182. Memorandum From Jasper Welch of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)1


  • M–X Status Report by Bill Perry

You asked for my reactions to Bill Perry’s memo to Harold Brown which was recently transmitted to you via ALPHA channel.2 (U)

Bill provided a nice summary of where things stand, all of which was familiar to me. If you have not scanned the memo, the following points were made: (U)

Bill is chairman of an M–X steering committee to get on top of current opposition. (U)
Design simplifications to reduce cost proceed. The dedicated railroad track has been dropped. They are exploring a variation of the horizontal dash in which the transporter is detachable from the erector launcher and only the latter goes into the horizontal shelter. It is several billion dollars cheaper but constrains some of the dash options. Perry is waiting for completion of the Defense Science Board review (in a few weeks) before reaching his recommendation. (The fact of this variation has been reported in Aviation Week.) (S)
The environmental impact statement will eliminate certain regions for operational or geotechnical reasons, but not for cost. That means they will have three alternatives: Nevada/Utah, Texas/New Mexico, or split basing, with the first one preferable, the second one more expensive (and with greater public impact), and the third most expensive (by $2–5 billion). Perry expects that the Congress may well be the forum for this decision. (S)
Perry expects support for the FY–81 M–X request from both Armed Services Committees perhaps with some restrictive language on location on the Senate side. He is unsure with regard to the Appropriations Committees. (S)
Perry reports an active series of consultations by him with Congressman McKay, and Senators Garn and Warner. (S)
Perry has also met with Governor Matheson and Governor List. Perry plans to be on the PBS TV debate on 24 April. (S)
The Steering Committee is coordinating a series of public speeches with local groups in Nevada and Utah. Tom Ross is scheduling one-on-one interviews with influential journalists. (S)

On the whole Bill is doing right things, but much more is required. I will be working with Bill under the guidance developed at the recent VBB. I will keep you informed of progress and problems. (U)

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Defense/Security, Welch, Box 219, MX: 2–4/80. Secret. Sent for information.
  2. See Document 180 and footnote 1 thereto.