129. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Secretary of Defense Brown1


  • CNA–78 (U)

Your comments of April 30 are highly pertinent and helpful.2 As you know, I share many of your concerns. Indeed, I feel strongly that we need to take some decisions now if the negative trends, which could so adversely affect our position in the early eighties, are to be averted.

I am glad that you approve the notion of an NSC meeting on the subject, and I will proceed to schedule one.

To give it focus, and to make the discussion of Presidential import, I intend to structure the agenda around the following three fundamental questions:

What are the requirements of stable deterrence, now and up to the mid-eighties?
What are the requirements of stable crisis bargaining, now and up to the mid-eighties?
What are the requirements of effective war management with defined political purposes, now and up to the mid-eighties?

I will ask my staff to coordinate with your staff and that of State in the development of some appropriate issue papers, covering the three questions indicated above.

Zbigniew Brzezinski
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, General Odom File, Box 15, Comprehensive Net Assessment (CNA)–78: 4–6/79. Top Secret; Eyes Only. A copy was sent to Vance.
  2. See Document 127.