287. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Secretary of State Vance 1


  • Follow-up to PRC Meeting on US Relations with Developing Countries: The Next Twelve Months—Studies by the PRM 8 Working Group on Increasing Participation of LDCs in the International System and Key Issues in North-South Relations

The PRC has agreed to ask the PRM 8 working group to undertake a study on Increasing the Participation of LDCs in the International System.2 The study should address such issues as:

1. specific initiatives which the US could support for new or changed institutional relationships;

2. whether it is desirable to consult with key LDCs on the general issue of developing-country participation in international bodies or only with regard to individual institutions or mechanisms;

3. the pros and cons of enabling LDCs to have a greater voice in international organizations by (a) adaptation of existing institutions, such as the OECD and the IMF, or (b) using institutions with new decision-making structures, such as IFAD.

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The PRC also agreed to request the PRM 8 working group to prepare a report on North-South relations for consideration early next year. This study should consider the most urgent of the key issues identified by the working group at Tab B of PRM 8-Track III.3 Those issues were trade, finance, commodities, non-nuclear energy issues, nuclear energy issues, direct investment, technology transfer, agriculture, human rights, arms transfer policy, law of the sea, and defense issues. The PRM 8 working group’s report should focus on the issues the group considers most appropriate for PRC review. For each issue the working group should assess the effectiveness of present policies in meeting US objectives, accomplishments to date, and problems which impede achievement of specific US goals.

To facilitate PRC consideration of these issues, please submit by February 28, 1978, a single report embodying the PRM 8 working group’s analysis of participation of LDCs in the international system and key issues in North-South relations. That report will then be reviewed by the PRC.

Zbigniew Brzezinski
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files, Box 26, PRM–08 3 of 3 [2]. Confidential.
  2. See Document 276.
  3. See footnote 3, Document 274.