Sources for Foreign Relations, 1977–1980, Volume III
The Carter Library is the best source of high-level decision making documentation for U.S. foreign economic policy from 1977 to 1980. A number of collections within the National Security Affairs files are particularly relevant in this regard. Within the Brzezinski Material, the Brzezinski Office File (particularly the Germany, Japan, economics, export controls, and finance files), Country File (for France, Germany, and especially Japan), Trip File, and Subject File (which contains not only a run of high-level memoranda of conversation, but Vance’s Evening Reports to Carter) all contained crucial documentation; the Agency File, President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders File, and VIP Visit File also proved fruitful. Within the Staff Material, the Henry Owen section of the Special Projects File yielded a great deal of useful material, particularly on the G–7 summits; also of help were the International Economics File, North/South File, and Office File. Beyond the National Security Affairs materials, two collections proved to be particularly rich sources: the Anthony Solomon Collection, with good documents on, among other topics, international monetary policy, and the Charles L. Schultze Subject Files in the Records of the Council of Economic Advisers, which contained valuable documents on trade policy, including steel. Stuart Eizenstat’s Files in the Staff Office Files, Domestic Policy Staff, also included much useful material on the steel issue. Important documents not readily found elsewhere turned up in both the Brzezinski Donated Material and the Papers of Walter F. Mondale. Jimmy Carter’s handwriting files in the Records of the Office of the Staff Secretary, Presidential File, provided critical material on an array of issues. Finally, for documenting the Presidential Review Memorandum policy process and Policy Review Committee meetings on issues related to foreign economic policy, the National Security Council Institutional Files were absolutely essential.
The National Archives and Records Administration facility in College Park, Maryland, is home to a wealth of material on the Carter administration’s foreign economic policy. Within the Department of the Treasury’s record group, RG 56, the Records of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs C. Fred Bergsten provided good material on both international monetary policy and trade policy; Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs Anthony Solomon’s Subject Files also had some useful material, although not as much as the Anthony Solomon Collection at the Carter Library. Within the De [Page XVI] partment of State’s record group, RG 59, the lot files of Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Richard N. Cooper were an especially rich source of material for most of the issues covered in this volume; also helpful was the lot file of Policy Planning Staff Director W. Anthony Lake. The Subject Files of Special Trade Representative Robert Strauss, contained within RG 364, yielded invaluable material on the Tokyo Round and various specific trade issues.
At the Department of State, the records of Secretary of State Cyrus Vance contained some useful documents, including memoranda of conversation. At the Department of the Treasury, the files of Secretaries of the Treasury Michael Blumenthal and G. William Miller were a rich source of material for this volume.
List of Sources
In addition to the paper files cited below, a growing number of documents are available on the Internet. The Office of the Historian maintains a list of these Internet resources on its website and encourages readers to consult that site on a regular basis.
Unpublished Sources
Carter Presidential Library
- Anthony Solomon Collection
- Brzezinski Donated Material
- Donated Material, Papers of Walter F. Mondale
- National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material
- Agency File
- Brzezinski Office File
- Country File
- President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders File
- Subject File
- Trip File
- VIP Visit File
- National Security Affairs, Staff Material
- Deputy
- Europe, USSR, and East/West
- International Economics
- North/South
- Office
- Special Projects
- National Security Council, Institutional Files
- President’s Files
- Plains File
- Presidential Materials, President’s Daily Diary
- Records of the Council of Economic Advisers
- Charles L. Schultze Subject Files
- Records of the Office of the Assistant to the President and White House Staff Director
- Records of the Office of the Staff Secretary, Presidential File
- Staff Office Files, Domestic Policy Staff
- Eizenstat’s Files
- White House Central Files
- Subject File
Department of State
- Office of the Secretariat Staff, Records of Cyrus Vance, Secretary of State, 1977–1980, Lot 84D241
Department of the Treasury
- Office of the Secretary, Executive Secretariat, 1978 Files
- Office of the Secretary, Executive Secretariat, 1979 Files
- Office of the Secretary, Executive Secretariat, 1980 Files
National Archives and Records Administration
- RG 56
- Records of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs C. Fred Bergsten, 1977–1979
- Office of the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs, Subject Files of Anthony Solomon, 1977–1980
- RG 59
- Central Foreign Policy File
- Office of the Secretariat Staff, Official Working Papers of S/P Director Anthony Lake, 1977–January 1981, Lot 82D298
- Office of the Secretariat Staff, Records of the Office of the Deputy Secretary, Warren Christopher, Lot 81D113
- Office of the Secretariat Staff, Records of the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Richard N. Cooper—1977–1980, Lot 81D134
- Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, 1978–1980 File Pertaining to International Monetary Affairs, OECD, Documents, External Research, Etc, Lot 81D145
- Office of the Secretariat Staff, Subject Files of Edmund S. Muskie, 1963–1981, Lot 83D66
- RG 364
- Special Trade Representative Subject Files, 1977–1979, 364–80–4
- RG 56
Published Sources
- Boughton, James M. Silent Revolution: The International Monetary Fund 1979–1989. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 2001.
- de Vries, Margaret Garritsen. The International Monetary Fund 1972–1978: Cooperation on Trial, vol. I: Narrative and Analysis. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1985.
- de Vries, Margaret Garritsen, Editor. The International Monetary Fund 1972–1978: Cooperation on Trial, vol. III: Documents. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1985.
- Grotton, Martha, Editor. Congress and the Nation, 1977–1980. vol. V. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1981.
- Horsefield, J. Kenneth. The International Monetary Fund, 1945–1965: Twenty Years of International Monetary Cooperation, vol. III: Documents. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1969.
- United States Department of State. Bulletin.
- United States National Archives and Records Administration. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1949. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964.
- United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Richard M. Nixon, 1971. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.
- United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Gerald R. Ford, 1974, 1976–1977. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975, 1979.
- United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Jimmy Carter, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980–1981. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977–1982.