168. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to President Ford1


  • Covert Action Proposals for Portugal

In August the 40 Committee recommended and you approved a [dollar amount not declassified] covert action program in Portugal designed to support moderates and resist Communist and other radical attempts to impose totalitarian rule. Some progress has been made toward achieving our objective. Only a small portion of the total you approved has been spent, but Ambassador Carlucci, with CIA concurrence, proposes some reprograming and new funding.

The 40 Committee reviewed this program on 14 November and approved:

—Reprograming of [dollar amount not declassified] of the funds previously approved;

—Release of [dollar amount not declassified] for labor operations (an amount which was included in the original approval, but which was suspended by OMB pending more specific justification); and,

—An additional [dollar amount not declassified] in new funding to continue the program.

At Tab A is a breakdown of how these funds would be utilized. OMB has reviewed these proposals and determined that the amounts requested appear to be reasonable, and that there are budget justifications for them.

You approved a Presidential Finding on 10 August that this covert action program was important to the national security of the U.S., and since there is no change in purpose or direction, it is not necessary that a new Presidential Finding be submitted to the Congress. [less than 1 line not declassified] appropriate committees of the Congress will be informed of this.

[Typeset Page 568]


That you approve the reprograming of [dollar amount not declassified] reinstatement of [dollar amount not declassified] and the withdrawal of [dollar amount not declassified] in new funds from [less than 1 line not declassified] for continuation of the covert action program in Portugal.

  1. Summary: Scowcroft sought Ford’s approval of the reprogramming of previously approved covert funds for Portugal and a request for new funds.

    Source: National Security Council Files, Ford Intelligence Files, Portugal—GRF. Secret; Eyes Only; Outside the System. Sent for action. Tab A was not attached. Ford initialed his approval of Scowcroft’s recommendation; a handwritten note beside the initials reads, “12/4 (in China).” Minutes of the November 14 meeting of the 40 Committee are ibid., 40 Committee Meetings, Minutes/Approvals, 1975 GRF.