87. Telegram 66408 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Belgium1

Subject: Letter to Prime Minister Tindemans. For the Ambassador.

1. You should seek early appointment with Prime Minister Tindemans and personally deliver the following letter from the Secretary.

Begin Text. Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I understand from Fernand Spaak, whom I have only just had the pleasure to welcome personally to his new responsibilities, that you have received the impression that I have problems with your report on European Union. Let me assure you that is not the case.

As you know, I place great importance on our relationship with the European Community and have consistently supported the contin [Page 342] uing process of European unification. I find your report to be a constructive contribution to that process. Your task was formidable, and I am impressed with the results.

As Fernand Spaak has undoubtedly reported, however, I have taken care to express no opinion on the report, believing the important issues you have identified so clearly to be first and foremost for Europe and the Community to decide. I have every confidence my European colleagues will do so wisely, and I shall follow the progress of European integration in general and great interest.

On the matter of USEC consultations, I believe we have developed very satisfactory arrangements over the past two years. We would of course always be pleased to consider suggestions for further improvements to the existing arrangements. End Text.

2. You should take occasion of delivery foregoing letter to underscore that it is a personal message from the Secretary and, in keeping with his decision to take no position on the Prime Minister’s report, is intended only for his private information.

  1. Summary: The Department forwarded a letter from Kissinger for delivery to Tindemans.

    Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential Country Files for Europe and Canada, Box 1, Belgium—State Department Telegrams From SECSTATE—EXDIS. Confidential; Exdis. Drafted by Robert Homme in EUR/RPE; cleared by Sonnenfeldt, Moffat and Hartman; and approved by Kissinger. A memorandum of conversation recording the March 13 talk between Kissinger and Spaak is in National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files, P840145–2065.