22. Letter From Secretary of State Kissinger to Senator Pell1
As I told you during my confirmation hearings on September 10, 1973, I believe that your Senate Resolution 71 must be taken extremely seriously.
I regret that we cannot yet give a coordinated Executive Branch response to Senator Fulbright’s letter of March 21 regarding this resolution. I assure you, however, that I shall look closely into this matter to determine how we might be responsive to the resolution’s recommendations.
With warm regards,
Summary: Kissinger informed Pell that he intended to take seriously Pell’s Senate resolution concerning the prohibition of environmental and geophysical modification activities.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Office of the Executive Secretariat, Records Relating to the National Security Council Under Secretaries Committee, Lot 81D309. No classification marking. Kissinger signed “Henry” above his typed signature. Attached as Tab A to Document 21. Grove sent a copy of the memorandum to Davis under a November 6 memorandum. National Archives, RG 59, Office of the Executive Secretariat, Records Relating to the National Security Council Under Secretaries Committee: Lot81D309.