130. Telegram 4245 From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State1

4245. Subj: PNE Agreement.

1. At lunch today March 27 Korniyenko inquired about length of recess envisaged for U.S.-Soviet PNE talks and likelihood of agreement. He thought it would be particularly helpful if, with eye to NPT Review Conference in early May, Soviets and we could indicate publicly by that time that talks were going well and progress was being made toward agreement.

2. I responded noncommittally, noting my belief that considerable progress had been made during last round but that important points remained to be resolved.

  1. Summary: Ambassador Stoessel reported that Soviet diplomat Korniyenko had suggested that the United States and Soviet Union indicate publicly that the PNE negotiations were “going well” and that “progress was being made toward agreement.” He noted he had informed Korniyenko that several issues remained unresolved.

    Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D750108–0753. Secret; Exdis.