126. National Security Study Memorandum 2191


  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Deputy Secretary of State
  • The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
  • The Administrator, Energy Research and Development Administration


  • U.S.-Iran Agreement on Cooperation in Civil Uses of Atomic Energy

The President has directed a study of the issues involved in reaching an acceptable agreement with the Government of Iran which would allow nuclear commerce between the countries—specifically, the sale of U.S. nuclear reactors and materials, Iranian investment in U.S. enrichment facilities, and other appropriate nuclear transactions in the future. The study should consider, but not be limited to, the following:

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—The rationale of the current U.S. position, and the status and prospects for negotiating an Agreement on that basis.

—The potential impact of the U.S. position on Iran’s nuclear development plans.

—Alternatives for a U.S. position, with pros and cons, including an assessment of the effect of each on our non-proliferation policy.

—The relation of nuclear commerce with Iran to the broader question of U.S.-Iran cooperation.

—The outlook for Congressional support of a U.S.-Iran Atomic Energy Agreement.

The study should be carried out by an ad hoc group chaired by a representative of the NSC, and submitted no later than March 19.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Summary: President Ford directed that an ad hoc group conduct a study of issues involved in reaching agreement with the Government of Iran to allow nuclear commerce between the United States and Iran.

    Source: Ford Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files—NSSMs, Box 49, Originals—NSSM 207 to NSSM 227. Secret. A copy was sent Colby. Scowcroft signed for Kissinger above Kissinger’s typed signature. Also printed in Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, volume XXVII, Iran; Iraq, 1973–1976, as Document 113. The NSSM 219 working group’s report is Document 129.