68. Defense Intelligence Notice, Washington, May 9, 1975.1 2
DIADIN 1128-75
9 MAY 1975
This Notice is designed to provide intelligence in support of future decisions with respect to security policy or posture.
(S SPOKE/NFD) The Khmer Communists are apparently continuing purges against former government and military leaders considered to be a potential threat to the new regime. Press reports from Phnom Penh have indicated the execution of some senior officials, including Sirik Matak and former Prime Minister Long Boret. Most reports on executions have emanated from the KC northern regime, but there are indicators suggesting that similar atrocities are being carried out elsewhere, probably under orders of the Communist Party Central Committee. Outside the northern region, the KC appear to be conducting executions on a selective basis as a technique in consolidating their power, particularly in light of population control and resettlement programs occurring countrywide. It is probable that the Party Central Committee is providing policy guidelines to the various regions, but these may vary by locale.
(S/NFD) The forced mass evacuation of the population in the capital and most key urban centers was accomplished expeditiously with little concern for the people (photographs overleaf) Indiscriminate killings or atrocities, if continued, were probably ordered to expedite the process. (XGDS-2 Declassify upon notification of originator)
SOURCES: NSA 1715372, 221513Z, 222019Z, 2420212, 291726Z and 230523Z Apr 75 (S SPOKE)
[Page 3][Photograph: Population relocation]
[Page 4][Photograph: Phnom Penh Central Market; Normal Day]
[Photograph: Phnom Penh Central Market; After Evacuation]
- Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential Country Files for East Asia and the Pacific, Box 3, Cambodia (17). Top Secret; Sensitive; Codeword. Prepared by A. Burger in DIA. A handwritten note at the top of the unpublished covering memorandum from Stearman to Kissinger, May 12, reads: “HAK has seen.”↩
- The Defense Intelligence Agency reported on the depopulation of Phnom Penh.↩