445. Telegram 110874 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Jamaica1

110874. Subject: Jamaican Bauxite. For Chargé.

1. Please deliver following letter to the Prime Minister from the Secretary:


Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I have much appreciated being kept fully informed of the evolution of negotiations between the Government of Jamaica team and the bauxite producing companies.

I was deeply disappointed when the two sides were unable to reach agreement.

[Page 1139]

So much rides on this negotiation for both countries—not only the short-term problems of revenue and inflation, but the longer-term problems of the viability of the companies and the attractiveness of bauxite and other investments in Jamaica—that both sides must surely have an overriding interest in reaching agreement. As you know, we have consistently urged upon the companies as well as your representatives the importance of settlement by mutual agreement.

It is hard for me to think that having come this far, it will now be impossible for the two teams to reach agreement, and that we must face the jeopardies of a unilaterally imposed solution. As you already know, Justice Goldberg, after consultations with the companies, is prepared to put forward certain ideas of his own as to ways and means by which both the revenue and the other issues in the negotiations could be resolved. He is doing so as a private citizen. Let me express the hope, Mr. Prime Minister, however, that you will be able to give the effort by Justice Goldberg the most serious consideration as a possible key to resolving the impasse.

I much look forward to learning, on return from the Middle East, of the results of Justice Goldberg’s discussions with you. With warm regards, Henry A. Kissinger. End quote.

  1. Summary: The Department transmitted a letter from Kissinger to Manley urging the Jamaican Prime Minister to make another effort to reach an agreement with the bauxite companies.

    Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Country Files—Latin America, Box 786, Jamaica, Vol. I. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. In telegram 110650 to Jerusalem and Kingston, May 25, the Department reported that the aluminum companies had decided to make a new offer to the Jamaican Government and had persuaded former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg to present their offer to Manley. (Ibid., RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D740131–0652) In telegram 1849 from Kingston, May 29, the Embassy reported that Chargé Hewitt had delivered Kissinger’s letter to Manley, who said he would give full attention to Justice Goldberg in a meeting scheduled for May 30. (Ibid., D740134–1034) In telegram 1876 from Kingston, May 31, the Embassy reported on Goldberg’s account of his meeting with Manley, noting that Goldberg commented “that he thought it was very late in the day for him to play a decisive role” and that Manley had publicly reemphasized that “the revenue issue was closed.” (Ibid., D740138–0076)