394. Memorandum From the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, Directorate of Operations, Central Intelligence Agency (Phillips), to the Associate Deputy Director of Operations, Central Intelligence Agency1
- Possible Changes in Haiti
- Executive Secretariat Note Commenting on Haiti Article Entitled “Haiti: Fire Fuels Rumors” in 27 July 1973 Weekly Review
1. Referenced article describes rumors of governmental changes being discussed by the Haitian public.
2. To put this in context, the Haitian public being affected by these rumors consists of the small elite of officials, ex-officials and businessmen who, in the main, support or tolerate the Duvalier regime. The masses do not take part in politics and show no signs of being capable or desirous of revolting against the regime.
3. Since the death of Dr. Francois Duvalier, the style of oppression has changed. The control of the country remains in the hands of the Duvalier family. The President’s sister, Marie Denise Dominique is strong-willed and aggressive (as compared to the weak-willed, slow-witted President) and is back in Haiti. It is not so positive that she will be asked to leave soon.
4. In sum, the Duvaliers and their supporters are still in control. The control may have been less efficient lately, but the contemplated ministerial changes are planned as an attempt to tighten that control, not weaken it. The prospects for influencing changes for the better will not be good until some real governmental evolution takes place.
5. If the foregoing does not encompass the problem Mr. Colby had in mind or you care to discuss any aspect further, we are available to do so at Mr. Colby’s or your convenience.
Summary: Phillips commented on rumors of possible governmental changes in Haiti, concluding that the Duvaliers remained firmly in control and that the prospects for influencing changes for the better in the country were not good.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI Files, Job 80M01066A, Box 11, Folder 30. Secret. The July 27 Weekly Review article Phillips referenced has not been found.