327. Memorandum From the National Intelligence Officer for Latin America [name not declassified] to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (Knoche)1


  • Current U.S. Policy Toward Cuba and Related Intelligence Needs

1. Current United States policy toward Cuba assumes the eventual normalization of relations between Cuba and the U.S., according to Mr. Harry Shlaudeman, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. The Secretary of State, Dr. Kissinger, has stated that there are two pre-requisites for a resumption of the normalization process:

a. Cuba must withdraw its combat troops from Angola.

b. Cuba must end its support to the fringe revolutionary groups in Puerto Rico seeking independence from the U.S.

c. In the course of the normalization process, the U.S. would insist that Cuba release all political prisoners, and pay compensation for U.S. properties seized by the Castro government.

2. Mr. Shlaudeman stressed that the above represents U.S. policy toward Cuba at the present time, and that he could not predict what the policy would be two months hence when the new administration takes office.

3. I have, however, consulted with State INR and ARA, the National Security Council Staff, OCI, and DIA and have combined their views with my own to identify principal gaps in our intelligence coverage of Cuba. [5 lines not declassified]

[24 paragraphs (92 lines) not declassified]

  1. Summary: This memorandum reviewed U.S. policy toward Cuba and described the kinds of information that would be needed by analysts and decision makers to guide future policy decisions on Cuba.

    Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI Files, Job 79M00467A, Box 9, Folder 12. Secret. All brackets are in the original except those indicating text that remains classified.