36. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Kuwait1
8235. Subj: Military Sales to Kuwait—Purchase of Follow-on Aircraft. Ref: Kuwait 1369, Kuwait 1371, Kuwait 2053.
1. After carefully examining advantages and disadvantages, we have decided that our interest in maintaining strong and friendly ties with Kuwait as an oil producer and our recent decision to agree in principle to the sale of F–4 aircraft to Saudi Arabia justify our also giving USG assurances about availability of follow-on US aircraft to Kuwait.
2. Accordingly, you should seek audience with the ruler or in his absence the Crown Prince and Minister of Defense Shaykh Saad to inform them that the USG is prepared to offer follow-on aircraft. You should convey following statement to GOK. Quote: The Government of the United States is willing to offer for sale to the Government of [Page 186] Kuwait suitable, mutually agreed upon, aircraft to provide for its defense. The appropriate aircraft will be selected on the basis of Kuwaiti experience with interim US aircraft and consistent with US recommendations regarding pilot and maintenance training necessary to provide Kuwait with the capability to absorb sophisticated follow-on aircraft. End quote.
Summary: The Department transmitted to the Embassy the approval in principle to provide a follow-on aircraft for Kuwait.
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 620, Country Files, Middle East, Kuwait, Volume I. Secret; Immediate. Drafted on August 2 by Dickman; cleared by Atherton, Tarr, Clements, Saunders, and Spiers and in NEA/IAI and NEA/IRN; approved by Sisco. Telegram 1369 from Kuwait City, April 20, is in National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, [no film number]. Telegrams 1371 and 2053 from Kuwait City, were not found.