48. Telegram 40032 From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union1 2

REF: (a) State’s 037985, (b) State’s 039492

Subject: Establishment of Safeguards Committee

As indicated Para 3 REF (b), AEG Chairman Seaborg accompanied by Ambassador Smyth and Allen (IO) met with Soviet Ambassador at 3:30, March 18, Washington time. Seaborg made same points contained REF (a) with Dobrynin and gave him informal piece of paper embodying them. Seaborg also referred orally in passing to Para 4(k) and to US offer to place our facilities under safeguards Stated he felt this may well have been key factor in persuading others such as FRG to proceed with NPT. [Page 2] (These points not (RPT NOT) included in informal paper).
Dobrynin indicated he felt points made generally acceptable but question would be ironing out differences in texts of resolution. His remarks indicated that SOV DEL had expressed annoyance at some lack more thorough advance consultation in Viennaa Ambassador Smyth expressed regret at unfortunate slippage in communications between the two DELS in Vienna but pointed out all details thoroughly discussed with Soviets day before meeting and that up until last minute we had hoped acceptable text could be worked out. We agreed with Dobrynin’s hope that this can now be done in time to permit prompt adoption of resolution at April Board meeting but indicated would be difficult make changes draft substantial changes in present draft Resolution except for adding target date.
Dobrynin was advised US making same approach in Moscow and that we understand UK also making separate approach in Moscow.
UK Embassy Washington being informed of above meeting but without details.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–1973, AE 13 IAEA. Limited Official Use; Priority. It was repeated to London and Vienna. Drafted and approved on March 18 by Allen (IO); and cleared by Kratzer (AEC). Trevithick (SCI) was informed.
  2. The telegram reported on Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Seaborg’s March 18 meeting with Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin. Seaborg recounted the FRG’s decision to sign the NPT. Dobrynin concurred with Seaborg’s assessment, cautioning that the difficulties would arise when “ironing out the differences in texts.” Both participants expressed their desire to prompt the adoption of the resolution at the April Board meeting.