157. Letter From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to the Representative to the United Nations (Yost)1 2

Dear Charlie:

Thank you for your letter of October 29 concerning the CBW issue at the United Nations and, in particular, the question of ratifying the Geneva Protocol of 1925.

We have been fully aware of the great interest in this subject at the United Nations and elsewhere, and have attempted to move this complex issue through the NSC system with all reasonable speed. Last week the Review Group considered the interagency CBW report, and it is now being revised for a National Security Council meeting on November 19. In light of your letter, we have attempted to move up the November 19 date, but the present schedules of the President and other NSC members make this impossible. You will be armed with policy guidance on the 1925 Protocol and other CBW issues promptly after the NSC session. I hope this will be early enough to make your tasks manageable.

It would be most useful if you were to attend the NSC meeting on CBW as well as the meeting on Southern Africa which is now tentatively scheduled for the following week. The President will want to hear your views on these matters.

It was good to hear from you.

Warm regards,

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 296, Agency Files, U.S.U.N., Vol. II, 1 Aug 1969–31 Jan 1970, Pt. 3. Confidential.
  2. Kissinger responded to Yost that the National Security Council would discuss the issue on November 19 and that Yost would be given policy guidance on the 1925 Protocol and other CBW issues shortly thereafter.