60. National Security Study Memorandum 1211


  • The Secretary of State
  • The Secretary of Defense


  • June NATO Ministerial Meeting

The President wishes to have a meeting of the National Security Council2 before the Lisbon NATO Ministerial meeting3 to review the major issues that are to be considered. The President desires, in particular, to examine the status of work on East-West relations in progress within the NATO framework, as well as developments in the area of NATO defense since the last Ministerial meeting. U.S. strategy and force guidance for NATO remain as set forth in NSDM 95.4

In preparation for the NSC meeting, a paper should be submitted setting forth (1) the major issues expected to arise at Lisbon, and (2) problems requiring decision, including recommendations or choices, where appropriate. The paper should discuss our objectives and highlight any important Allied differences. It should also outline the problems that will have to be dealt with after the Lisbon meeting.

The NSC IG/EUR, constituted appropriately in the discretion of the Chairman, should submit the paper to the Assistant to the President for preliminary consideration in the Senior Review Group by May 1.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 365, Subject Files, National Security Study Memoranda (NSSM’s)—Nos. 104–206. Secret. Copies were sent to the Director of Central Intelligence and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  2. The SRG met instead of the NSC; see Document 65.
  3. June 3–4
  4. Document 54.