47. Editorial Note

NSSM 102, September 21, 1970, directed the preparation of the President’s Annual Review of American Foreign Policy, which would include topics relating to NATO Europe, Western Europe outside NATO, and International Trade Policy. As stated in the NSSM, the “Review should outline: (a) major trends, events, and issues of 1970; (b) the Administration’s approach in dealing with these developments; and (c) the principal tasks the U.S. Government faces in 1971 and beyond. The 1971 Review will refer to the broad guidelines of Administration policy represented in the 1970 Review, but primary emphasis should be placed on the issues of 1970 and the evolution of Administration policy.” A copy of NSSM 102 is in the National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 365, Subject Files, National Security Study Memoranda (NSSM’s)—Nos. 43–103. The President submitted his Second Annual Report on U.S. Foreign Policy to Congress on February 25, 1971; for the text, see Public Papers: Nixon, 1971, pages 219–345.