264. Memorandum From Arthur Downey of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1
- Secretary Rogers’ Report on the Azores Negotiations
Secretary Rogers met privately for 45 minutes on November 9 with Portuguese Foreign Minister Rui Patricio, followed by a working luncheon which included Deputy Defense Secretary Packard. The Secretary has sent a brief memorandum for the President noting the results of this formal beginning of the discussions with the Portuguese on our continued use of the Azores.2 At their meeting, the Secretary told Patricio that the US wanted to remain in the Azores under the present de facto status, without any agreement in force. Patricio agreed that no agreement would be necessary. Patricio assigned the Director General for Economic Affairs (Ambassador Calvert) to remain in Washington through the middle of next week to work with a US working party in efforts to determine what technical and advisory assistance the US might offer to the Portuguese development programs. The Secretary offered a PL–480 program of about $5 million. At Tab A is a memorandum for your signature forwarding the Secretary’s memorandum to the President.
Patricio is currently in New York. Evidently he asked Secretary Rogers about the possibility of an appointment with the President, and the Secretary said he would look into it. Patricio is staying in New York until he learns whether the Secretary has been successful in securing an appointment. You will recall that Mr. Haldeman flatly turned down your recommendation that the President receive Patricio.3 In light of the Secretary’s comment to Patricio, however, he may intend to take up the question with the President—or already may have during the Paris visit. (Your memorandum for the President at Tab A does not treat the
[Page 822]issue of an appointment.) The Vice President has agreed to meet with Patricio on November 17 at 11 a.m.4
That you sign the memorandum for the President at Tab A.5
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 701, Country Files—Europe, Portugal, Vol. I. Confidential. Sent for action. Tab A is not printed.↩
- In addition to the Azores question, Rogers and Patricio also discussed U.N. matters and African issues. Memoranda of conversation are ibid., RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL PORT–US.↩
- Haldeman had turned down a recommendation in a November 2 memorandum from Kissinger to the President that Nixon meet with Patricio, noting on November 5: “Don’t submit any more—PM’s only!” (Ibid., Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 701, Country Files—Europe, Portugal, Vol. I)↩
- A memorandum of their November 17 conversation, which focused on Africa, is ibid.↩
- In an attached November 16 handwritten note, Haig wrote: “Downey, Hold till after HAK & VP see F Min Tues and then redo in light of conversation. AH”. No revised memorandum was found. The memorandum to the President apparently was not forwarded to Nixon. Patricio met with Kissinger on November 17. The meeting was devoted primarily to an exposition of Portugal’s views on African issues. The relevant portion of the memorandum for the record, dated November 19, dealing with the Azores issue reads: “The Foreign Minister said that he had accepted the U.S. suggestion that public negotiations on the Azores were not necessary. However, in the context of good relations between the two countries, he had to insist that consideration be given to Portugal’s needs for economic development. Mr. Kissinger assured him that we would give most sympathetic consideration to their economic problems.” In concluding, Kissinger stressed Nixon’s interest in Portugal and added “that we would give most sympathetic consideration to Portugal’s problems,” inviting the Ambassador to “get in touch” if the White House could help. (Ibid.)↩