427. Memorandum From Egil Krogh, Jr. to Frank Cash1


  • Memorandum of Conversation Between President Nixon and Ambassador Handley with Dr. Daniel P. Moynihan and Egil Krogh

The President indicated his support for maintaining close, friendly relations with the Government of Turkey. The President and Ambassador Handley both emphasized the “gutsy” nature of the Turksʼ support in the Middle East.

Ambassador Handley reported that in his judgment, the Turkish Government have “pulled up their socks” in an effort to cooperate with the Presidentʼs deep concern about the drug problem. Handley mentioned to the President that this visit would help him considerably when he goes back to discuss the question with Prime Minister Demirel.

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The President advised Ambassador Handley to tell Prime Minister Demirel that he is looking forward to a visit with the Prime Minister next year. The President indicated that the date would be somewhere between June and October of next year, but that he is not certain about what dates are available. Ambassador Handley stated that he felt Turkey would welcome a visit by the President if he could make it.

The President gave a clipping from The New York Times dated December 22, 1969 to Ambassador Handley for transmittal to Prime Minister Demirel from the President. A copy of this clipping is attached.2

Ambassador Handley reported in response to the Presidentʼs question that the Astronauts were extremely well-received in Turkey.3 Handley mentioned some of the minor problems with Sixth Fleet visits in Turkey, but this was low-keyed.

Egil Krogh, Jr. 4
Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 1244, Saunders Subject Files, Turkey 1969. No classification marking. Copies were sent to Erlichman, Patrick Moynihan, and Arthur Downey of the White House staff and Harry Schwartz (S/NM).
  2. Not attached.
  3. The astronauts visited Turkey October 20–21.
  4. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.