301. National Security Study Memorandum 1161
Washington, January 26, 1971.
- The Secretary of State
- The Secretary of Defense
- The Director of Central Intelligence
- Policy Toward Greece
The President has directed a review of progress in executing the decisions made by him in June 1969 in connection with the resumption of full military shipments to Greece. The principal question to be addressed is what options the U.S. now has vis-à-vis Greece in the light of recent developments there.2
A paper should be prepared in the NSCIG/NEA and submitted to the Senior Review Group by January 29, 1971.3
Henry A. Kissinger
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 1265, Saunders Subject Files, Greek Military Supply, 1/1/71–12/13/71. Secret; Nodis. A copy was sent to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.↩
- In telegram 1521 to Athens and Rome, January 2, the Department authorized Ambassadors Tasca and Martin to pursue contacts with King Constantine. (Ibid., Box 594, Country Files, Middle East, Greece, Vol. II 1 Nov 1970–31 Dec 1971) Kissinger was informed of Tascaʼs intention in a January 7 memorandum from Richard Kennedy. Kissinger noted: “I want to take up with President. Totally, utterly unacceptable. Sisco will either lead in or thereʼll be a show down.” (Ibid.) A January 8 memorandum for the record by Kennedy stated that Kissinger instructed Haig to call Sisco and inform him that “this is contrary to policy and any such instructions should have been cleared by the White House.” (Ibid.) In telegram 17382 to Athens, February 2, the Department instructed Tasca that in view of the fact that “question of calls on King seem to be an element to be considered … visits must be deferred until [the NSC] review completed.” (Ibid.)↩
- In a January 27 memorandum from Davis to recipients of this memorandum, the due date was changed to February 16. (Ibid.) See Document 306.↩