182. Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to the Acting Executive Secretary of the Department of State (Walsh)1


  • Cooling Romanian Hopes for Economic Concessions

I noted that Bucharestʼs 15672 reports that Romanian officials have begun to speak with great optimism about possible US economic concessions—particularly MFN—as a result of the Presidentʼs visit to Bucharest. I would appreciate your instructing Embassy Bucharest to try discreetly to cool down the Romanians a bit.

The Embassy should emphasize that the Presidentʼs discretion in the field of East-West trade is limited, and that the Romanians should not anticipate dramatic developments at the time of the visit. Rather, they should set their sights on gradual improvements as a result of the visit.

[Page 438]

With regard to the encouragement reportedly given the Romanians by Dr. Emil Onaca mentioned in the same telegram, you should inform Embassy Bucharest that Onaca is one of the many well-meaning but obtrusive Romanian émigrés who have sought to press their services on the White House in connection with the Presidential trip. Onaca has no privileged relationship whatsoever at the White House and enjoys no special status; he is an American businessman of Romanian background who hopes to participate in expanding trade with Romania. He will not repeat not have a role in any aspect of the Presidentʼs trip.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 702, Country Files—Europe, Romania, Vol. I—8/69. Confidential. A handwritten notation on the memorandum indicates it was sent on July 22.
  2. Dated July 17; attached but not printed.