295. Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State Kissinger and the White House Chief of Staff (Haig)1
K. Al, how are you?
H. Henry, OK.
K. We got everything back on track again.
H. Yes, I saw Brent.
K. By tomorrow it may blow up again. The three meetings didn’t come off because I think the Israelis pulled a fast one and didn’t notify the UN troops. They think it was an oversight. I called Golda Meir2 and told her if their man wasn’t there by 10:00 it was the end of us. The Egyptians asked for a two hour delay. It is now set for 12:00 their time and 6:00 p.m. our time.
H. Are they letting another convoy through?
K. One convoy and a negotiator. Then they can negotiate the other convoy.
H. That’s great.
K. Our Defense Department, even Brent, want us to resupply the 3rd Army. Lets see how that negotiation goes.
H. I agree.
[Page 781]K. If the Egyptians are under pressure and if the Israelis can get a settlement, fine. If the Israelis overdo it we may have to go in and resupply.
H. It is going to be rather a permanent situation in any event.
K. . . . the Egyptians go back east of the Canal and the Israelis west of the Canal which is a long range situation.
H. If Sadat isn’t wiped out in the process.
K. Let’s see how negotiations stand tomorrow.
H. They really brutalized me into this thing tomorrow. The President did. He asked me to do it.
K. I think you are making a mistake.
H. I don’t relish it.
K. Everyone is delighted these negotiations are going to take place.
H. That is good.
K. I will give you an up-to-date report in the morning. What program are you on?
H. “Issues and Answers” at 12:00. Golda Meir is on the first half hour.
K. You are on the Middle East?
H. No, she is. They will be hitting me with Watergate.
K. Let’s see how it is going to be.
H. I walked into a mine field. I will defer on any Middle East questions.
K. As of right now the thing is firmly on track.
H. OK, Henry, that is great.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, Kissinger Telephone Conversations, Transcripts (Telcons), Chronological File, Box 23. No classification marking.↩
- See footnote 4, Document 294.↩