282. Backchannel Message From President Nixon to Egyptian President Sadat1
I have received your message number 8.2 You should know that the Israeli Government has told us:
—that UN truce observation posts are now at the following points: 1) Qantara; 2) on the Mitla Road; 3) on the Gidi Road; 4) on the Tasa Road.
—that it has permitted a medical supply convoy to enter Suez City. Further, it has transferred blood and plasma directly to the Third Army.
—that the military situation in the Egyptian Third Army area is exactly the reverse of what you have described to me, with Egyptian forces attacking across the Canal from East to West against Israeli units on the West bank of the Canal.
With regard to this last point, you must recognize that it is impossible for us to make proper judgments on who is keeping and who is violating the ceasefire.
I urgently suggest that the best way to assure proper compliance with the ceasefire is for you to move UN observers to the place where [Page 760] the attacks are taking place so that they can confirm your claims. I can assure you that should these impartial observers confirm ceasefire violations the United States will be prepared to: 1) join in further Security Council calls for observance of the ceasefire; 2) oppose those who have violated the ceasefire; 3) publicly condemn those who have violated the ceasefire.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Kissinger Office Files, Box 132, Country Files, Middle East, Egypt/Ismail, Vol. VII, October 1–31, 1973. No classification marking. Sent in a message from Kissinger to Ismail. A handwritten notation on the message states that it was sent for delivery at 4 p.m.↩
- See footnote 6, Document 279.↩