276. Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State Kissinger and United Nations Secretary General Waldheim1
K: Mr. Secretary General, how are you?
W: Thank you, well, quite busy. I am very grateful for returning the call. I have, of course, spoken to Joe Sisco and informed him, but I wanted to keep you informed of the situation here. The situation is that as you know, the Russians got instructions to accept the new American amendment. Only the French position is reluctant. The French Ambassador was just here and he said they would ask for a separate vote on the amendment . . . excludes the permanent members. They will vote for the resolution, but ask for separate vote on the amendment in order to show they are not in agreement with this.
K: You are in no doubt, Mr. Secretary General, that we will veto any resolution which doesn’t have it in it?2
W: Yes, I was informed of this by Joe Sisco.
K: We will not compromise on this.
W: Yes, that is understood. No problem. Any more, non-aligned . . . change and the Russians, only the French want a separate vote
K: Well, that’s their privilege.
W: But, after that, the French will vote for the resolution as it stands.
K: Excellent. There is one other thing that concerns me, Mr. Secretary General. We are fundamentally opposed to the introduction of any East European contingents, any communist countries. There must be enough neutrals in the world to do it. If there were Eastern European countries it would produce a crisis of confidence here, if any contingents from communist countries were included.
[Page 751]W: Well, there is a strong trend to have in addition to the Nordic countries one African, one Asian like Malaysia, African like Nigeria.
K: Well, we have no objection to that as long as it isn’t an East European country.
W: There is an idea of including Poland.
K: We think it’s a great concession to permit Sweden.
W: How is it with the Russians?
K: . . . can’t accept any Eastern Europeans.
W: Could lead to situation where we would have a problem with Canada.
K: Canada?
W: Yes, because of NATO.
K: That’s all right with us.
W: Neutral countries.
K: We will trade Canada. Also won’t accept Yugoslavia.
W: There was no question of taking them . . . but I take note of your information and I hope we can proceed on that line.
K: Mr. Secretary General, when this is all over, and I hope it will be soon, you and I must have a drink together and reminisce.
W: Certainly look forward to that.
K: Now, if you think it necessary to obtain airlift and logistic support, you can call on us.
W: I am very grateful. That will be particularly needed. The latest development which I discussed with Scali here. Egypt wanted another meeting after the resolution was adopted, which should be in the next hour, to discuss my role in implementation of the resolution. I agree with Scali that it’s not a very good idea to have this evening another meeting. Instead, I intend to write an interim report, in the form of a letter to McIntyre and . . ., proposing as an immediate . . . measure, I could send . . . to the Middle East, Cairo . . . dispatch quickly to the area three contingents, three neutral contingents from Cyprus, that is the Finnish, Austrian and Swedish, each battalion has about 200–280 people.
K: That sounds reasonable to me, if they’re from Cyprus, and that’s on the regular budget.
W: That’s right. . . . unique operation, paid out of the regular budget and since the Russians and French also voted for it, there will be no excuse and we will proceed on those lines.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, Kissinger Telephone Conversations, Transcripts (Telcons), Chronological File, Box 23. No classification marking. Kissinger was in Washington; Waldheim was in New York.↩
- Eight non-aligned nations submitted a resolution to the Security Council on October 24. Three amendments were proposed the next day. Kissinger is referring to the amendment to paragraph 3 of the resolution on the makeup of the UN Emergency Force. The final text of paragraph 3 of Security Council Resolution 340 (1973) reads: “Decides to set up immediately, under its authority, a United Nations Emergency Force to be composed of personnel drawn from States Members of the United Nations except the permanent members of the Security Council, and requests the Secretary-General to report within 24 hours on the steps taken to this effect.” The resolution was adopted by the Security Council on October 25 by a vote of 14 to 0. (Yearbook of the United Nations, 1973, p. 213)↩