233. Minutes of a Meeting of the Senior Review Group1
- Chile
- Chairman—Henry A. Kissinger
- State
- Mr. John N. Irwin
- Mr. Charles A. Meyer
- Mr. Samuel D. Eaton
- Defense
- Mr. G. Warren Nutter
- Mr. Armistead Selden
- Col. John C. Smith
- Admiral Thomas H. Moorer
- Brig. Gen. Joseph Belser
- Mr. Richard Helms
- Mr. William Broe
- Treasury
- Mr. John R. Petty
- Mr. John J. McGinnis
- NSC Staff
- Mr. Arnold Nachmanoff
- Lt. Col. Bernard Loeffke
- Mr. Keith Guthrie
- Mr. Mark Wandler
1. Export-Import Bank Credits for Boeing Aircraft. This issue will be referred to the President for decision by June 10. Any principal who may disagree with the President’s decision will retain the option of seeking an appointment to present his views personally to the President.
The Senior Review Group agreed that in presenting this issue to the President for decision, the objective should be to establish a general policy on extending credit to the Allende regime. This policy should take into account pending expropriation of U.S. firms, the Allende government’s steady progress toward establishment of a Marxist regime, and the impact of U.S. policy on public opinion in the United States and Latin America.
2. Future Restrictions on Export-Import Bank Credits. The NSC staff will consult Export-Import Bank to determine what alternative might be available for future restriction of credit to Chile in the event the President decides to approve the Boeing aircraft credits.
[Page 635]3. Foreign Military Sales (FMS). This issue will also be referred to the President for decision.
[Omitted here are the minutes of the meeting.]
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–56, SRG Meeting, Chile, 6/3/71. Secret; Nodis. This meeting took place in the White House Situation Room. Only the Summary of Conclusions is printed here; for the full text, see Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, vol. E–16, Documents on Chile, 1969–1973, Document 73.↩