Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XVI, Soviet Union, August 1974–December 1976

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XVI, Soviet Union, August 1974–December 1976
- David C. Geyer
General Editor:
- Edward C. Keefer
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Sources
- Abbreviations and Terms
- Persons
- Soviet Union, August 1974–December 1976 (Documents 1–298)
- President Ford and the
Jackson–Vanik Amendment,
August–October 1974 (Documents 1–61)
- Kissinger’s Trip to Moscow,
October 1974 (Documents 62–82)
- The Vladivostok Summit, November 1974 (Documents 83–95)
- Soviet Rejection of the Agreement on Jewish Emigration, December
1974–January 1975 (Documents 96–126)
- From Geneva to Helsinki: SALT, the
Middle East, European Security, February–August 1975 (Documents 127–175)
- “Détente Will Not Be a One-Way Street”: SALT, American Grain, Soviet Oil, August–November 1975 (Documents 176–220)
- Angola and Kissinger’s Last Trip
to Moscow, November 1975–January 1976 (Documents 221–260)
- Détente and the 1976 Presidential Election, February 1976–January
1977 (Documents 261–298)
- President Ford and the
Jackson–Vanik Amendment,
August–October 1974 (Documents 1–61)
- Index