305. National Security Study Memorandum 941


  • The Secretary of State
  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Director of Central Intelligence


  • Diplomatic Initiatives on Indo-China

The President has directed that a study be prepared of diplomatic initiatives on Vietnam and Indo-China which might be taken following the June 30 completion of current military actions in Cambodia. The study should consider:

  • —U.S. strategy for convoking or participating in an international conference on Indo-China;
  • —Forums in which such a conference could be convoked;
  • —Proposals which the U.S. could put forward to bring about a settlement;
  • —U.S. strategy concerning regional conferences which might be called;
  • —Other initiatives which could be taken to move toward a settlement; and
  • —How proposals put forward or endorsed by the U.S. in an international conference should be related to on-going negotiations on Vietnam.

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The study should present the advantages and disadvantages of alternative strategies concerning the U.S. approach to convoking or participating in a conference, of the various types of international forums for a conference, and of proposals which the U.S. might put forward or endorse.

The President has directed that this study be prepared by an ad hoc group chaired by a representative of the Secretary of State and including representatives of the addressees of the memorandum and of the NSC staff. It should be undertaken on a priority basis, and presented to the NSC Review Group not later than June 10, 1970.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–028, NSC Meeting, Vietnam, Ceasefire, Diplomatic Initiatives, 7/21/70. Top Secret; Sensitive; Nodis. A copy was sent to Wheeler.