122. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Dominican Republic1

216. For Bunker. Your reports on Dominican reactions OAS proposals reviewed by highest authority. Recognizing that you are in fast [Page 301] moving situation where man on the spot in best position determine most effective tactics, believe from our vantage point that it would be best proceed with signature Act of Dominican Reconciliation2 (ADR) on basis your original schedule of signature today, if Garcia Godoy and Imbert willing do so, with installation of Provisional Government by August 14. This will provide government which we can recognize, carry on relations and work out programs for rehabilitation Dominican economy. We believe any delay will lead only to deterioration of situation, indicate lack of firmness and will, without any particular assurance Caamano would sign in any event.

We agree with your general disposition make no changes in substance of solution OAS Ad Hoc Committee has proposed. We also agree that change in form of agreement acceptable if it will in fact result in signature of ADR by Caamano. We read your messages as indication Caamano does not intend sign any document and we also gather this is policy line of Bosch.

Act could be left open for signature by Caamano any time before installation Provisional President say on Saturday, August 14. After that date PG would deal with Caamano and could for example set deadline after which amnesty would not apply. Such a solution might not be unmixed blessing but could provide firm legal basis for dealing with Communist holdouts.

After specified date rebel area could be sealed off with people permitted leave area but no one permitted to enter. If IAPF used it could lead to sticky situation in MFM. If Dominican Forces used decision could be made by PG.

Request your views on foregoing course of actions and your plans for carrying out OAS Committee proposals. You should have in mind that we are trying mount major effort give renewed vitality to Alliance for Progress starting with speech by President on August 173 fourth anniversary Charter of Punta del Este.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 15 DOM REP. Secret; Flash; Exdis. Drafted by Sayre, cleared by Bowdler, and approved by Vaughn. Repeated to Rio de Janeiro.
  2. See Document 120.
  3. President Johnson spoke on August 17 at 10:25 a.m. in the East Room at the White House. For text of his remarks, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965, Book II, pp. 884–889.