- A, airgram
- AG, Agricultural Bank
- AID, Agency for International Development
- ARA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/CAR, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Caribbean Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/CCA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of the Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Department of State
- APCJ, Agrupación PolÍtica Catorce de Junio (14th of June Political Movement)
- BG, British Guiana
- BRUC, Revolutionary Christian University Bloc
- CAR, Office of Caribbean Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- CAS, Controlled American Source
- CG, Constitutional Government/Caamaño Group
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIAP, Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress
- CINCARIBESEAFRON, Commander in Chief Caribbean Sea Frontier
- CINCLANT, Commander in Chief, Atlantic
- CINCSO, Commander in Chief, Southern Command
- C/S, Chief of Staff
- COMOR, Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance
- CT, Country Team
- DAS, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
- DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- DG, development grant
- DL, development loan
- DO, Directorate/Director of Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- DOD, Department of Defense
- Doms, Dominicans
- DR, Dominican Republic
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- Exdis, Exclusive distribution
- GAWU, Guyana Agricultural Workers Union
- GNR, Government of National Reconstruction
- GODR, Government of the Dominican Republic
- IAF, Inter-American Force
- IAHRC, Inter-American Human Rights Committee
- IAPF, Inter-American Peace Force
- IDB, International Development Bank
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/DDC, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Deputy Director for Coordination, Department of State
- INR/IL, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Office of Intelligence Liaison, Department of State
- IRG, Inter-Departmental Review Group (Latin America)
- ISZ, International Safety Zone
- LA, Latin America
- LASO, Latin American Solidarity Organization
- Limdis, Limited distribution
- LOC, line of communication
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MFM, meeting of Foreign Ministers
- MOD, Minister of Defense
- MPCA, Manpower Citizens Association
- MPD, Dominican Popular Movement
- NIE, National Intelligence Estimate
- Nodis, No distribution
- OAS, Organization of American States
- ODC, Overseas Development Council
- PAU, Pan-American Union
- PCD, Dominican Communist Party
- PL, Public Law
- PNC, Peoplesʼ National Congress (British Guiana/Guyana)
- Polad, political adviser
- PPP, Peoplesʼ Progressive Party (British Guiana/Guyana)
- PQD, Democratic Quisqueyan Party (Dominican political party)
- PR, Reformist Party (Dominican political party)
- PRD, Revolutionary Democratic Party (Dominican political party)
- PRSC, Revolutionary Social Christian Party (Dominican political party)
- PSPD, Dominican Popular Socialist Party (Dominican political party)
- rece, reconnaissance
- reftel, reference telegram
- S, Office of the Secretary of State
- SA, Supporting Assistance
- SNIE, Special National Intelligence Estimate
- UCN, National Civic Union (Dominican political party)
- UF, United Force (British Guiana/Guyana political party)
- US, United States
- USG, United States Government
- USIA, United States Information Agency
- USIB, United States Intelligence Board