
  • Adams, Robert W., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1964–1965
  • Alvarez, Raymond J., Officer-in-Charge for Haitian Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1967–1968
  • Appling, Hugh G., Deputy Director of the Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, 1964–1965
  • Aristy, Héctor, adviser to the “constitutionalist” faction in the Dominican Republic, May–September 1965
  • Artime, Manuel, autonomous Cuban exile group leader, 1964–1965
  • Balaguer, JoaquÍn, President of the Dominican Republic from July 1, 1966
  • Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State until September 1966; U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, June 26–September 25, 1968
  • Benítez, Jaime, Chancellor of the University of Puerto Rico
  • Bennett, William Tapley, Jr., Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, March 23, 1964–April 13, 1966
  • Bohlen, Charles E., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, February 1968–January 1969
  • Bonilla, José Antonio Atiles, Foreign Minister of the Dominican Republic
  • Bosch, Juan, former President of the Dominican Republic; deposed by military coup dʼétat September 25, 1963; candidate for the Presidency in 1966
  • Bowdler, William G., Deputy Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1963–1965; member, National Security Council staff, 1965–1968
  • Broe, William V., Chief, Western Hemisphere Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency after June 1965
  • Bruce, David K. E., Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 1964–1968
  • Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until February 28, 1966
  • Bunker, Ellsworth, Representative to the Organization of American States, January 29, 1964–November 7, 1966
  • Burdett, William C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from January 1964
  • Burnham, Linden Forbes Sampson, leader of the Peopleʼs National Congress Party; Premier of British Guiana, December 1964–May 1966, first Prime Minister of independent Guyana from May 1966
  • Busby, Horace, Special Assistant to the President until October 1, 1965
  • Caamaño-Deno, Colonel Francisco, President of the “constitutionalist” faction in the Dominican Republic, May–September 1965
  • Califano, Joseph A., Jr., Special Assistant to the President from July 1965
  • Carlson, Delmar R., member, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, January–February 1964; Consul General in British Guiana, March 1964–May 1966; Ambassador to Guyana, May 1966–September 1969
  • Carter, Albert E., Deputy Director for Coordination of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, 1964
  • Castro Ruz, Fidel, Premier of Cuba
  • Cater, S. Douglass, Jr., Special Assistant to the President, May 1964–October 1968
  • Chase, Gordon, member, National Security Council staff until January 1966; thereafter McGeorge Bundyʼs personal assistant
  • Cobb, William B., Officer-in-Charge for British Guiana, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1965–1967
  • Connett, William B., Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy in the Dominican Republic, November 1964–February 1966
  • Crimmins, John Hugh, Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1963–1966; Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, June 29, 1966–April 16, 1969
  • Crockett, Kennedy M., Director, Office of Caribbean Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, June 21, 1964–October 10, 1965
  • Cury, Jottin, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, “constitutionalist” faction in the Dominican Republic, May–September 1965
  • DʼAguiar, Peter S., leader of United Force Party of British Guiana/Guyana
  • Dean, Sir Patrick, British Ambassador to the United States
  • Denney, George C. Jr., Deputy Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, 1964–1968
  • Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States
  • Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, British Prime Minister
  • Figueres-Ferrer, José Pepe, former President of Costa Rica
  • Fischli, Alfred, Swiss Ambassador to Havana from January 1967
  • FitzGerald, Desmond, Chief, Western Hemisphere Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency until June 1965; Deputy Director for Plans, June 1965–July 1967
  • Fitzgerald, John F., Deputy Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1966–1967; Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, 1967–1968
  • Fortas, Abe, adviser to President Johnson
  • Fulbright, J. William, Senator (Democrat–Arkansas), Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
  • García-Godoy, Héctor, President under the provisional government established by the OAS, September 1965–June 1, 1966
  • Gaud, William S., Deputy Administrator, Agency for International Development, February 27, 1964–August 1966; thereafter Administrator, Agency for International Development
  • Gordon, A. Lincoln, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, and U.S. coordinator of the Alliance for Progress, March 9, 1966–June 30, 1967
  • Greenwood, Anthony, British Secretary of State for the Colonies, October 1964–1968
  • Guzmán-Fernández, Silvestre Antonio, prospective candidate for President of the Government of National Reconciliation of the Dominican Republic
  • Harriman, W. Averell, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until March 1965; thereafter Ambassador at Large
  • Helms, Richard M., Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency until June 1965; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until June 30 1966; thereafter Director of Central Intelligence
  • Hill, John Calvin, Jr., Director for North Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1965–1968
  • Hoover, J. Edgar, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Hughes, Thomas L., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, 1964–1968
  • Imbert-Barrera, Antonio, one of the two surviving assassins of Trujillo, and member of the Council of State governing the Dominican Republic, 1962–February 1963; General, head of the Dominican Government of National Reconstruction, May–September 1965
  • Jagan, Cheddi B., Premier of British Guiana until December 1964
  • Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, September 27, 1965–October 9, 1966
  • Johnson, Lyndon Baines, President of the United States
  • Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Under Secretary of State, September 1966–January 1969
  • Kohler, Foy D., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, November 1966–December 1967
  • Leddy, John H., Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs, June 1965–February 1969
  • Long, Edward T., Director, Office of Caribbean Countries, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1966–1968
  • Luers, William H., Director of Guyanese Political Affairs, 1967–1968
  • Luyt, Sir Richard, Governor of British Guiana until May 1966
  • Mann, Thomas C., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, January 3, 1964–March 17, 1965; Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, March 18, 1965–May 31, 1966
  • Martin, John Bartlow, former Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, March 9, 1962–September 28, 1963
  • Mayobre, José Antonio, personal representative in the Dominican Republic of the United Nations Secretary General
  • McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense until February 29, 1968
  • McCone, John A. Director of Central Intelligence until April 28 1965.
  • Melby, Everett K., Consul General in British Guiana until March 1964
  • Mora-Otero, José Antonio, Uruguayan, Secretary General of the Organization of American States
  • Muñoz-Marin, Luis, former Governor of Puerto Rico
  • Oliver, Covey T., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, July 1, 1967–December 31, 1968
  • Osborne, Melville E., Officer-in-Charge of Haitian Affairs, Department of State, 1966–1967
  • Palmer, General Bruce, Jr., USA, Commander of U.S. Forces and Deputy Commander of General Inter-American Peace Force, Dominican Republic, 1965
  • Raborn, William Francis, Jr., Director of Central Intelligence, April 28, 1965–June 30, 1966
  • Ray, Manuel, autonomous Cuban exile group leader
  • Read, Benjamin H., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary, Department of State
  • Reid Cabral, Donald, Head of the Triumvirate until April 1965
  • Ross, Claude G., Ambassador to Haiti, June 1967–October 1969
  • Rostow, Walt W., Special Assistant to the President, April 1, 1966–January 20, 1969
  • Rowan, Carl T., Director, United States Information Agency, February 28, 1964–July 10, 1965
  • Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State
  • Sayre, Robert M., senior member, National Security Council staff, April 1964–April 1965; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from April 1965; Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, July 1, 1967–December 31, 1968
  • Sandys, Duncan, British Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1964
  • Shlaudeman, Harry W., Chief, Dominican Affairs, Office of Caribbean Affairs, Department of State, March 1963–July 1965; Assistant Director, Office of Caribbean Affairs from August 1965
  • Shullaw, J. Harold, Director of the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, March 1964–1967
  • Solomon, Anthony M., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs, June 1, 1965–January 10, 1969
  • Stadelhofer, Emil A., Swiss Ambassador to Cuba, 1962–1966
  • Stevenson, Adlai E., U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations until July 14, 1965
  • Stevenson, Robert A., Deputy Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1965–1966; Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, 1966–1967
  • Steward, C. Allan, Director, Office of Caribbean Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1965
  • Steward, Michael, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
  • Stewart, Michael N. F., British Foreign Minister
  • Thompson, Llewellyn E., Ambassador at Large, October 1962–December 1966
  • Thurn, Elizabeth von, Officer-in-Charge of Haitian Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1964–1965
  • Timmons, Benson E.L., III, Ambassador to Haiti, January 1964–May 1967
  • Truehart, William C., Deputy Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, 1967–1968
  • Tyler, William R., Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs, September 1962–May 1965
  • Vaky, Viron P., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1968
  • Valenti, Jack, Special Assistant to the President until May 1966
  • Vance, Cyrus R., Deputy Secretary of Defense until June 30, 1967; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from August 1, 1967
  • Vaughn, Jack H., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, March 22, 1965–February 28, 1966
  • Walker, Patrick Gordon, British Labour Party Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1964
  • Wheeler, General Earle G., USA, Chief of Staff, October 1, 1962–July 2, 1964; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 3, 1964
  • Williams, Eric, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Williams, Murat D., Deputy Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, 1967
  • Wilson, Donald, Deputy Inspector General, United States Information Agency from October 1965
  • Wollam, Park, Deputy Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, 1967–1968
  • Yarmolinsky, Adam, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1964–1965
  • Yost, Harry W., Officer-in-Charge of British Guiana, Agency for International Development, 1965–1966