40. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State1

223. Department telegram 160. Cabot-Wang talks.2

Wang asked say a few words first in which he affirmed in pursuance directive his government he wished to continue maximum efforts through talks to achieve peaceful solution Sino-American problems and work toward change in stagnant state of them. I reciprocated hope talks may prove fruitful. Then made lengthy opening statement based closely on first five sections reference telegram with changes desired Department telegram 169.
After Wang’s rejection my “absurd distortion facts and groundless charges” against his government he mentioned draft agreed announcement of last meeting, saying it would open way to find settlement [Page 72] Sino-American disputes and conforms to common desire improve relations. Agreement would carry immense significance. Wang then reviewed totals serious warnings with break-down recent ones saying provocations not confined to coastal regions but extended deep into hinterland. Mentioned “incessant instigation and support of ‘Chiang gang raids’ and spy aircraft.” Since November of last year until June of this, nine groups of Chiang agents captured in raids on mainland and two more spy planes shot down since last meeting. U-2 nominally Chiang’s but “control US”. Said recently Admiral Felt in Taiwan clamored for risking war with Communist China and President Johnson openly declared US must be prepared risk war. All these facts point to utter unwillingness seek peaceful settlement disputes or practice peaceful coexistence. Said at last meeting I had tried justify US seizing Taiwan and our rejection agreed announcement by revoking treaty with Chiang government. This completely untenable since Chiang long ago overthrown by Chinese people and did not represent anyone. Treaty illegal, null and void. Said we had concocted treaty of December 2, 1954 more than four years after our seizure Taiwan.
Wang continued we had slandered his side in accusing it of violation principles peaceful coexistence. Said “we are Communists. It goes without saying we shall propagate revolutionary doctrine but unlike you we do not have single soldier in any foreign territory anywhere in world. We have never advocated export of revolutions in propagating our revolutionary doctrine. We only publicize objective truth.” Continued our armed intervention many areas of world was aggression. Said we and not they unscrupulously meddled in affairs other countries. Seizure Taiwan and interference Chinese internal affairs gave rise Sino-American dispute. These facts can in no way be bypassed and account must be settled at some time.
Wang continued tension Indo-China caused by our planning new military adventures there which aroused concern people of China, Asia and rest of world. Said after assassination Foreign Minister Laos we had again instigated rightists to stage coup and our intervention had known no bounds. Geneva accords in danger being completely scrapped. On June 11 our fighter bombers bombed Khang Khay. Our brutal atrocity caused heavy losses among Lao and killed one, wounded five in Chinese Economic and Cultural Commission. Chinese Government and people expressed great indignation at this and Wang instructed lodge serious protest to US through me. Chinese Government reserves all rights pursue responsibility in this case (sic). Said we had long since thrown overboard Geneva agreements South Vietnam and even clamoring spread war to North Vietnam. Present situation Indo-China exceedingly grave. There is danger flames of war will spread even to whole of SEA. China is signatory to both Geneva agreements and these [Page 73] matters have direct bearing on Chinese security. China cannot look on with apathy in face grave situation we have created in Indo-China. Chen Yi has made clear Chinese people absolutely will not sit idly by while Geneva agreements torn up and flames of war spread. Chinese people cannot be expected look on with folded arms in face any aggression against DRV. Said he hoped these statements had received our full attention. China had advocated conference fourteen signatory nations seek peaceful settlement Laos question basis Geneva accords. Many among fourteen endorsed proposal but we obstructing holding conference, putting blind faith in force of arms, believing we can act with impunity. Said we must understand revolutionary people cannot be cowed into submission through force of arms. This policy would ultimately bring ignominious fiasco.
I responded I was astonished and dismayed at Wang’s statements and must state categorically many of them inaccurate. For instance we had nothing do with bombing Khang Khay. Re Taiwan I made clear US has no intention abandoning treaty obligations. Followed with substance latter half section 10 reference telegram then first half re draft statement. I then spoke of peaceful coexistence and exportation revolutions, quoting from ChiCom Central Committee letter to Soviets June 14 last year re general line including concept “to support and assist the revolutionary struggles of all the oppressed peoples and nations.” Said this policy has caused ChiComs give support contrary Geneva agreements to wars being waged by PL in Laos and Viet Cong in both Laos and South Vietnam. Asked how in face this quote issued by highest authority and in face ChiCom deeds Laos and Vietnam they could expect us let SEA fall through ChiCom use of force against wishes people of area. Said we agreed most unfortunate for everyone if war expanded such as to North Vietnam but on other hand surely ChiComs must realize if their gross interference Laos and South Vietnam continues there is danger war might spread and it is that we wish avoid. If we are agreed on necessity upholding Geneva agreements that is great step forward. Unfortunately complete discrepancy between ChiCom words spoken here and deeds SEA.
I continued saying re 14-power conference we had encouraged consultation Vientiane and we prepared accept Polish proposals but all this refused by Wang’s side.
Wang returned to Taiwan theme in familiar well worn terms saying we tried use pretext GRC was sovereign state to cover up our serious crime of seizing Chinese territory. We would not succeed in this scheme.
Wang continued I had made clear US determined continue intervention Indo-China and even made threat extending war to North Vietnam. Said this was making mockery of Sino-American ambassadorial level talks. Said he wanted tell me bluntly 650 million Chinese people [Page 74] cannot be bullied easily. Indomitable Chinese nation cannot ever be cowed into submission. We would do well ponder matter carefully as to serious consequences for ourselves which will arise as result our irresponsible behavior. Said despite our lawlessness Indo-China his government had consistently exercised self-restraint. Should we make miscalculation and take this attitude as sign weakness and think we can act as we please with impunity, going on with present course, we would find ourselves “licked by the fire with which you have been playing.” Said Indo-China is next door to China and DRV and other IC states related to China “like lips and teeth” and fraternal feelings exist. Chinese people by no means would sit idly by while US expanded war. Whatever Chinese Government and people say will count and we would do well bear this in mind. Evident US should be held fully responsible for daily worsening situation Indo-China. We were trying to play trick of thief crying “stop thief” and make wild allegation Chinese support DRV in aggression. Said it was known to whole world DRV firmly abided by all provisions Geneva agreements. There was no single foreign military base or single foreign soldier on territory DRV. Said our call for them abstain from exerting pressure on neighbor was putting foot in wrong shoe. Tension IC created solely by US. US instead of China should do some intensive soul-searching rectifying our misdeeds and rein up horse before precipice. Said could not see indications we willing for relaxation tension IC. On contrary every sign we plotting fresh military adventures.

Wang then put following questions:

What are you up to in sending Chairman JCS to South Vietnam? What is your purpose in giving $125 million aid to bogus South Vietnam Government? What is your purpose in reinforcing forces South Vietnam with several hundred more so-called military advisers? What are you up to in despatching several hundred Sky Raider aircraft and other types to South Vietnam? What are your intentions in sending flagship Oklahoma City to Saigon? Said if we were really sincere we would immediately call off aggression and intervention.

I replied remarks re seizure Taiwan so wide of mark I need not review again. Fact is a government exists there recognized by more governments than recognize Chinese Communists and important armed forces are there. Have been no hostile military operation by US there. As for Wang’s series of questions my opening statement really answered them. I said I had no desire issue threats but wished make our intentions clear and could scarcely consider some of Wang’s comments anything but a threat. I then followed guidance section 7 reference telegram, adding could not help but note Wang gave no explanation for extraordinary and revealing statement Chinese Communist Central Committee which I quoted and said we had ample proof war South Vietnam and Laos both backed by North Vietnam with Chinese Communist help.
After another Taiwan tirade Wang said leaders USG had publicly admitted aggression and intervention Vietnam affairs. US has grossly violated sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity IC states. Said we would be fostering reactionary forces Laos and instigated them in repeatedly overthrowing legal governments Laos thus undermining national unity. We could not shift responsibility recent bombing there.
I said we seemed to have reached a point where further discussion almost useless. I profoundly disagreed with practically everything he said. Important thing was ask Wang transmit to his regime what we had said here today and hoped his regime would study it carefully.
Wang mentioned their unacceptable earlier proposal re newsmen saying in view our extremely hostile attitude toward China our proposal re newsmen made them suspicious of ulterior motive. Said prior meetings had made clear Chinese position re American “criminal offenders” and he would not go into that. Said Central Committee article was correct but this sort of thing not chief subject we called on to settle in these meetings and did not propose go into that. Complained of my discourtesy in calling the government of the great PRC a “regime.”

Next meeting September 23.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL CHICOM-US. Confidential; Priority; Limdis. Repeated to Hong Kong, Taipei, Geneva, Moscow, and Stockholm.
  2. Telegram 160 is Document 37. Cabot commented in telegram 227 from Warsaw, July 30, “I think it fair to say there appeared to be something of a ‘collision course’ atmosphere.” He reported the meeting in further detail in airgram A–112, August 3. (Both in Department of State, Central Files, POL CHICOM-US)