185. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1

49274. Ref: CA-1799.2 Subj: Chinese Representation at UNGA.

Unless representations believed unhelpful Dept requests that all posts proceed with any additional conversations they consider necessary to ensure that host governments understand that there no change in US policy on Chirep at 21st UNGA and desire to assure maximum opposition to any resolution of “Albanian” type that would expel GRC and replace it by Communist China. Specifically other governments should be fully aware that:
Sponsors of traditional Albanian-type resolution are expected to table unambiguous resolution explicitly calling for expulsion of GRC and seating of Chinese Communists in GA and throughout UN structure. (FYI) Also as in past years it does not appear that any country or group of countries will present the Assembly with an alternative to this tactic. We are making effort to work out arrangements whereby Chirep debate will not occur before mid-November. End FYI.
USG will strongly oppose Albanian-type resolution substituting ChiComs for GRC and requests support of maximum number of other governments.
USG will in addition seek maximum support for Assembly action to reaffirm view that any proposal to change representation of China is “important question” requiring two-thirds majority.
In explaining USG’s decision posts should draw as appropriate on following:
Nothing during past year has diminished our belief that Communist China’s entry into UN within circumstances of its present policy would radically disrupt UN’s activities. Apart from its totally unacceptable demand for the expulsion of the GRC, Peking has in no way moderated its extraordinary conditions for UN entry, i.e., cancellation UN 1950 resolution condemning ChiComs and North Koreans as aggressors, adoption UN resolution condemning US as aggressor, revision UN Charter, inclusion all “independent states”, and exclusion all “imperialist puppets”.
ChiCom hostility to UN and to much of outer world has been highlighted in recent months by turmoil within China symbolized by [Page 391] emergence of “Red Guards” and related activity. Whatever final outcome of these developments, their present effect is to underscore militancy and unyielding mood of Peking’s current leaders.
There has been no softening and possibly some hardening of attitude toward Communist China among those Asian governments which are most directly exposed to dangers of activity advocated and supported by ChiComs as in Vietnam. (FYI—Some of these Asian leaders have expressed view that this would be inappropriate time to change present method of dealing with Chirep in UN. End FYI.) As examples these views you may wish to cite Philippine President Marcos’s Sept 15 address in Washington or communiqué of Asian Parliamentary Union (Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Republic of China, South Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, and Japan) expressing firm opposition to ChiCom admission to UN.
Our present vote estimates indicate that a distinct majority would support our position on important question formula while prospects for defeating Albanian-type resolution are about same as last year. (FYI—Several other governments including Soviets and French seem to conclude situation presently more favorable for our position than last year. Although we will as in other years determine precise moves at UNGA in light of developments during session, our present vote tally, which must be balanced against uncertainties this far in advance of vote, shows substantial margin for upholding important question resolution and bare majority against Albanian resolution. End FYI.)
Dept requests continuing reports of any significant developments concerning host governments’ attitude on Chirep prior to GA debate. In reporting any discussions with local officials request special effort to distinguish voting prospects for Albanian-type resolution and “important question” formula. Some governments do not seem fully familiar with latter.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, UN 6 CHICOM. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Gleysteen, cleared by Berger, and approved by Sisco. Sent to 101 Embassies; repeated to 10 Embassies, Hong Kong, USUN, the U.S. Mission in Geneva, and Paris for USRO.
  2. Dated September 2. (Ibid., UN 3 GA)