26. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Laos1

877. For the Ambassador. We fully support and commend excellent way you and your staff handling this difficult complex situation.

Our much preferred course of action is, of course, to put Government of National Union back together again and we look forward to your recommendations on ways and means for achieving this cardinal objective. If, unfortunately, it appears that present political situation is likely to be irreversible, or if other courses seem to be necessary to pursue, we will also need your thoughts on alternatives.

In line with your recent think-piece (Embtel 1134)2 you may perceive ways to utilize ferment of evolving events to move towards a stronger government under Souvanna, notably introducing more integrity and common sense into the right wing and more vigor and leadership into the center.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 15–1 LAOS. Secret; Immediate. Drafted by Green, cleared in draft by U. Alexis Johnson, cleared in substance by Forrestal, and approved by Harriman.
  2. In telegram 1134 from Vientiane, April 17, the Embassy proposed charting a revolutionary process of gradual internal regeneration even while the country remained divided. The eventual goal would be a new, more progressive leadership drawn from the younger members of the conservative-neutralist ranks. (Ibid., POL 27–14 LAOS)