402. Telegram From the Ambassador to Thailand (Unger) to the Department of State1

[telegram number not declassified] Ambassador Unger has requested following message be transmitted:

“For Bundy and Godley from Unger.

I understand Norman Hannah will be bringing Washingtonʼs views concerning our possible assistance to government party in coming elections. As soon as I have this in hand and have digested it in the context of several recent conversations and other developments here, I will submit my recommendations as to whether or not we should offer help.
In this connection I should emphasize that we should not contemplate any arrangements entailing detailed accounting for use of funds or extensive consultation with political leaders about choice of candidates or election tactics. While I believe that contribution from us would open the way to more knowledge of and influence on elections process, insistence in advance on certain conditions or procedures will be rejected.
[7–1/2 lines of source text not declassified]2 However, my considered judgement on this and other matters will await my further message following Hannahʼs return.
In order facilitate traffic on this subject, and strengthen security, suggest we adopt code name Lotus.)
  1. Source: Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files, Thailand 1968. Secret. [text not declassified] A note on the telegram indicates that Bundy saw it.
  2. See Document 401.