294. Memorandum From Secretary of Defense McNamara to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (McNaughton)1
I believe it was clear from our conversation with Martin and Dawee2 that neither our own Country Team nor the Thai Government has yet acted to direct their military program toward effective counterinsurgency action. We must insist that the Fiscal ʼ66 Military Assistance Program be oriented to the counterinsurgency effort and to the support of a “balanced” military force. The latter will require that the Thai raise the manning level of their units to a point sufficient to support effective training and an acceptable level of equipment maintenance. This increase in manning levels can be achieved either by raising the total strength of the military forces or by reducing the number of units supported by the current strength.
In any event, I am not willing to continue the Military Assistance Program unless we have clear indications that the money associated with it will be spent effectively. Before any funds are expended in Fiscal ʼ66, and before any consideration will be given to expanding the Fiscal ʼ66 program beyond the currently projected level of $27 million, we must have specific assurances from the Ambassador and COMUSMACTHAI that these objectives will be met.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19–8 US–THAI. Confidential.↩
- See Document 293.↩