185. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

285. Joint State-Defense message. In effort to avoid embarrassment to USG during Kashmir conflict delivery of certain major end items [Page 359] enroute or pending shipment is being suspended for the time being. Specifically these are: 1) For Pakistan—Three T–33 aircraft in France, approximately 160 Sidewinders in Germany, 47 M-48 tanks in CONUS, and ammunition on board SS Victory (MSTS) now at sea, and 2) For India—rebuilt engines for C–119 aircraft in CONUS.

No other impact shipments of this nature known here as due to arrive either country within 30 days. If other deliveries this nature known to addressees, please report immediately.

No publicity is to attend these suspensions and local governments should not be informed. If queried, respond in non-abrasive manner that delay is for administrative reasons.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, DEF 19–8 US–PAK. Secret; Limdis. Drafted by Colonel C.P. Miller (DOD/ISA) on September 4. Cleared by Sisco, Mann, Handley, and in substance by Meyers and Komer, and approved and initialed by Rusk. Also sent to New Delhi, CUSMSMI New Delhi, and CMAAG Karachi, and repeated to USUN, CINCSTRIKE, CGAFLC DAYTON OHIO, CGUSAMC, and CGMTMTS.