491. Telegram From the Consulate General in Southern Rhodesia to the Department of State1

335. Ref: Contel 334 at 13.15 local time Nov 11.2

PM Smith read GSR proclamation declaring Rhodesian independence with continuing loyalty to Crown and promulgating new constitution “identical to existing constitution, with exception certain provisions necessary for country enjoying full sovereignty.”

Smith asserted GSR had negotiated as long as possible, reassured country on ability to weather sanctions, reiterated Rhodesian desire to continue peaceful relations with other countries and not to take steps against neighbors and warned others not to underestimate Rhodesian determination to defend heritage. Concluded: “We have today assumed our sovereign independence.”

Full text Smith address being transmitted USINFO. Tape also being airmailed.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 16 RHOD. Unclassified; Flash. Received at 8:09 a.m. Repeated to London, Dar-es-Salaam, Pretoria, Lusaka, USUN, CINCLANT, and CINCSTRIKE. Passed to the White House, DOD, CIA, and USIA at 9:53 a.m.
  2. Not printed.