445. Letter From the Country Director for Central Africa, Malagasy Republic, and Mauritius (Brown) to the Ambassador to the Congo (McBride)1

Dear Mr. Ambassador:

The National Policy Paper on Portugal states inter alia that “we should with extreme discretion further develop and maintain unobtrusive but useful contacts with Portuguese African nationalist leaders in Africa.”

This course of action should govern Embassy relationships with Holden Roberto. It would seem appropriate for these contacts to be centered in the office of the DCM and limited to the DCM and the Chief of the Political Section. It should also be the responsibility of the DCM to coordinate actions and contacts of other US Government agencies with Holden Roberto and other nationalist leaders in the Congo.2

Sincerely yours,

L. Dean Brown 3
  1. Source: Department of State, AF/AFCM Files: Lot 70 D 65, Official-Informal Letters, 1967. Secret; Official-Informal. Drafted by Brown on May 26, and cleared by Landau, McElhiney, and Palmer.
  2. The source text is attached to a May 29 transmittal memorandum from Brown to Assistant Secretary Palmer that reads: “Ambassador McBride has asked me for guidance on contacts with Holden Roberto in the Congo. I have prepared the attached letter which I hope you will approve.” Palmer initialed his approval on the memorandum.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.