341. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Somalia1

21655. Ref: Mogadiscio 203.2 Following recommended written and oral reply to GSR note under reference:


Text aide-memoire to be left with Egal as follows:

Complementary opening.

USG has studied with interest and encouragement recent Somali Note expressing desire normalize relations with Kenya and Ethiopia.
USG believes an enduring solution to problems raised must be worked out directly between Somalia and its neighbors.
USG believe that any formal extension of good offices would be premature. Nevertheless, in view of constructive tone and intentions expressed in GSR note, USG is, as requested, willing pass on substance of GSR views to IEG and GOK and do what it can to encourage dialogue.
It is our belief that in such disputes as this all parties concerned must contribute to a solution by concessions and modifications of positions that have led to the disputes and related tensions. Complimentary close.

Following points for oral presentation only:
Without wishing to impute responsibility of part of any of states concerned for unsatisfactory relations which now unhappily obtain among them, it is belief of USG that direct talks with GOK and IEG can lead to positive results only if GSR in position to demonstrate that it prepared to live in peace and cooperation with its neighbors. Willingness to cease lending support to actions of a violent and hostile character within borders those states is considered to be a prime requisite for detente. Inflammatory exhortations in press and radio are also detrimental to objectives set forth GSR Note. It would be expected of course that if GSR found it possible to reconsider its positions in these respects, similar responses on part of other governments would be forthcoming and an improved atmosphere would result. Under these circumstances USG would be prepared consider, in consultation parties concerned, how it could best help them to come together for fruitful consideration of their more fundamental mutual problems.
Re second point in GSR Note, USG shares GSR concern over arms race in Horn of Africa and has worked to encourage an end to this costly and dangerous development whenever and wherever its advice and influence could be brought to bear. The establishment of friendly and cooperative relations between GSR and its neighbors would be a major contribution toward halting arms race in area and might hopefully lead to general understanding that would limit acquisition arms to levels strictly necessary for internal security and minimal defensive purposes. Should GSR and its neighbors find it possible appreciably to reduce financial resources devoted to military portions their national budgets, USG would be disposed to consider, in concert other friendly nations and international organizations, means by which it could most helpfully promote economic development and stability in region to benefit of all states, including particularly inhabitants of present areas of tension.
Acknowledge receipt this telegram.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL ETH–SOMALI. Confidential. Drafted by Palmer on August 15; cleared by AFE Country Director Nicholas Feld, Gloster, and Gordon R. Beyer in AFNE; approved by Palmer. Also sent to Addis Ababa, and Nairobi, and repeated to Rome, Paris, London, and Bonn.
  2. See footnote 2, Document 340.
  3. In telegram 405 from Mogadiscio, August 17, Thurston, reported that he had delivered the U.S. response to Prime Minister Egal that day. (Department of State, Central Files, POL ETH–SOMALI)