305. Telegram From the Embassy in Ethiopia to the Department of State1

1648. During three and half-hour audience and lunch with Emperor, PriMin, MinFinance and Acting FornMin, Harriman presented keen interest of President in Ethiopian position in Africa and his personal concern over US world problems, particularly course relations other nations with Communist China. Presentation by Harriman at outset of picture of President with warm personal inscription from President launched discussion in most cordial atmosphere. Believe meeting achieved initial objectives of reinforcing Ethiopian awareness US interest and postponing for present Ethiopian recognition Communist China. Ultimate policies IEG this and other matters will undoubtedly depend on outcome subsequent conversations with Ambassador on economic subjects. Hutchinson invited but ill and unable attend meetings.

Gov Harriman opened placing present problems in context Emperor’s historical position as leader against aggression and emphasizing President’s present deep concern over aggression in Vietnam and demonstrated Communist influence in Dominican problem. Gov Williams stressed Emperor’s constructive leadership in Africa, indicating this was one important reason continued US assistance, and importance US attached to territorial integrity, to OAU and Emperor’s personal role in progress African unity and frontier disputes.

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Harriman pointed to advance constructive elements and contrasted with efforts ChiComs undermine independent countries. President he said would be deeply concerned in face such ChiCom efforts and despite confrontation in Vietnam if other African countries were to recognize Communist China.

Emperor, reading in part from notes prepared by staff, stressed importance upcoming Afro-Asian meeting Algiers, problems caused by states such as Somalia, need for moderate non-aligned state play significant role, and his continued interest OAU and African unity. Then he posed question whether US was not itself helping countries which were tending toward Communism, referring particularly to Nasser and his belief confluence US aid and Soviet aid enabled Nasser intervene in Yemen with great suffering to innocent.

Gov Harriman responded, pointing out US policy was to help those nations desiring remain independent and fact Nasser despite acceptance Soviet aid had suppressed local Communist Party. US, however, had protested actions of UAR in Yemen and Congo and has taken most unusual step of holding up for the moment fulfillment three-year commitment on food aid while suspending other aid. US did not yet know what outcome would be but policy under serious review. This evoked obvious interest on part Ethiopian participants.

Emperor concluded formal audience by stating he has confident areas of cooperation between US and Ethiopia expanding; he had just received letter from Chief MAAG (ref A–708)2 with him on military cooperation which, at first reading, was pleasing and which he wished study further. He hopes this presages further cooperation in economic field.

In general luncheon conversation PriMin made lengthy statement Ethiopian policy in Africa which emphasized four principles: 1) Right of people to choose own leader, 2) Territorial integrity, 3) Non-interference internal affairs, 4) Right of true independence. Harriman replied US subscribed fully these principles. He re-emphasized US awareness Ethiopian needs and stated Amb would receive instructions enabling him discuss these further with IEG. In final comment, Harriman stressed once more importance to President of Vietnam issue and recognition of Communist China. In wind up, Emp said he was satisfied with conference and responses to specific questions and remarked that talk was almost as if he had been able to speak with the President himself.

In personal conversation with PriMin at lunch, Amb stated he hoped Emperor and IEG understood from Harriman’s statement President’s intense interest and personal preoccupation with ChiCom threat [Page 529] and opposition to ChiCom recognition which was matter of highest priority to USG and people. PriMin responded succinctly “we understand clearly.” PriMin added he very grateful for actions USG appeared prepared to take in response IEG’s needs.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 US/HARRIMAN. Secret; Priority. Repeated to Asmara.
  2. Dated May 20. (Ibid., DEF 19 US–ETH)