225. Summary Notes of the 572d Meeting of the National Security Council1

African Problems

In the absence of Secretary Rusk, Under Secretary Katzenbach summarized the six major problem areas in Africa. (See attached State Department paper.)2

Rhodesia—We must continue to exchange views with the British who may decide to settle this problem in a way we cannot accept.
There is no solution to the Southwest African problem.
The Portuguese cannot hang on forever to their African colonies.
Developments are favorable to us in East Africa, i.e., Zambia, Tanzania, and Kenya.
In the Nigerian civil war, we are remaining neutral. Other African states are trying to solve the Nigerian problem to prevent a breakup of the Federation. The trouble arises primarily out of tribal differences. Our AID programs have not been a failure.
Congo—We have put in a half billion dollars in aid in the last few years. We do not know the reason for the current revolt of the mercenary troops which has broken out. We must keep Mobutu in power because there is no acceptable alternative to him. It was correct for us to send in our C–130 planes as proof of our support of a black government which [Page 369] was being attacked by white mercenaries. Our aid program is small and any payoff we may get is years ahead of us.

The President: Have we learned any political lesson from the intense Congressional opposition to the decision to send in the C–130’s? Under Secretary Katzenbach should background the press. The domestic racial issue kicked off the Congressional debate. Senator Javits should be seen by Assistant Secretary of State Palmer today to explain why we sent in the C–130’s. All members of both the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee should be talked to promptly.

Bromley Smith
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, NSC Meetings, Vol. 4, 7/13/67, African Problems. Secret; Sensitive; For the President Only. Another record of this meeting is ibid., Tom Johnson’s Notes of Meetings, July 13, 1967–12:08 p.m., NSC Meeting # 572.
  2. Document 226.