153. Information Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (Trimble) to Secretary of State Rusk 1


  • President Bourguiba Defies Nasser and Vows to Continue Support of the US

In a speech on May 21 before the National Council of the Destourian Socialist Party, President Habib Bourguiba expressed defiance of the efforts of Nasser to impose his doctrines on Israel and the Cold War on Tunisia.

Bourguiba said that “if the countries of the Arab League wish to join the Soviet camp, that is their business. But we cannot accept their efforts to force us to work against the Americans in the name of solidarity with Nasser.”

With reference to Israel, Bourguiba said he doubted that, as Nasser has suggested, the Arabs could mobilize two or three million soldiers [Page 231] and push Israel into the sea. He said that campaigns of denigration will never solve the problem and can only strengthen Israel.


President Bourguiba seems now to have made a complete break with his fellow Arab Leaders on two most sensitive issues: Palestine and Arab solidarity, and nonalignment. It is extremely unlikely that even moderate Arab states can follow him on the Palestine issue. There will be few of the moderate Arab or African states which will follow him away from nonalignment.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL TUN–US. Confidential. Drafted by Chase. A note on the source text indicates Secretary Rusk saw the memorandum.