129. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Morocco1

127945. For Ambassador.

IRG agreed January 28 King should be told soonest and you should so inform him: (a) apparently some misunderstanding in conversation with Asst. Secretary Palmer, if King interpreted Palmer’s response to be lack of sympathy with or understanding of Moroccan problems. Palmer’s negative response confined to possibility obtaining security guarantee. We have military sales question under urgent consideration with decision expected shortly; (b) President expects hear first hand King’s opinions Morocco’s security situation.
FYI: While IRG reached agreement in principle on credit sales arms within range $5 million to $14 million,2 this is subject to independent review by SIG with meeting scheduled tomorrow afternoon. If decision made to proceed with sales program, details re equipment and terms to be worked out after visit probably with country team in Morocco. We expect include in any agreement limitation to defensive uses equipment and Moroccan concurrence that sales will not detract from economic development of Morocco or Morocco’s advancement Maghreb economic cooperation.
FYI: If the decision is made to proceed with the sales program, we would take Spanish concerns into account at appropriate time by emphasizing the defensive character of the assistance and its relatively modest dimension. We would also reaffirm US commitment to peaceful solution Sahara question based on self-determination, acceptable all interested parties. End FYI.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19 US–MOR. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Spicer and Deputy Executive Secretary John P. Walsh, cleared by Katzenbach and Saunders, and approved by Kohler. Repeated to Monrovia for Palmer.
  2. On January 28, the African Interdepartmental Regional Group (IRG) met to consider the Moroccan request for additional military assistance, and decided there should be a favorable U.S. response. (Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD Files: FRC 72 A 2468, Morocco 1967)