108. Memorandum of Conversation1


  • Morocco’s Request for Increased Financial and Economic Assistance


  • His Excellency Ali Bengelloun, Moroccan Ambassador
  • Mr. Tedlaoui, First Secretary, Moroccan Embassy
  • Under Secretary George W. Ball
  • Mr. Henry J. Tasca, Deputy Assistant Secretary, African Affairs
  • Mr. Robert W. Chase, OIC, Moroccan Affairs
  • Mr. Alec C. Toumayan, Interpreter

The Ambassador informed the Under Secretary of the present financial difficulties of his country, and outlined a number of measures of fiscal reform which had been taken or would be taken. He said that the King had asked him to seek increased assistance from the United States.

Mr. Ball said that he had reviewed the situation, and was aware of the difficulties presently besetting Morocco. However, there seem to be substantial amounts of US aid which remained available. These unused resources might go a long way toward solving Morocco’s problems. Mr. Ball stressed also the importance of a Moroccan/IMF agreement to permit a drawdown of funds to help in the foreign exchange problem.

Mr. Tasca also noted the aid available which had not yet been used, and suggested a Moroccan/US review of these figures in Rabat.

Mr. Ball said that this would be arranged.

The Ambassador commented on the growing threat posed by Algeria’s military program. Mr. Ball referred to the intelligence estimate recently concluded, and suggested that the estimate shows no imminent threat.

  1. Source: Department of State, S/S Files: Lot 65 D 330, October 1964. Confidential. Drafted by Toumayan and Chase. The conversation was held in Under Secretary Ball’s office.