269. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1


  • Raising the Level of State Visits: The Upcoming Case of King Faisal

We have been exploring ways of stepping up the dignity of state visits and will have more to report later.

But Faisal’s visit in late June is not a good place to start, as the attached State Department memorandum2 makes clear.

A big show for Faisal might intensify his struggle with Cairo and worsen our own poor relations with Nasser who has already read certain of our moves as an effort to back Faisal in a bloc against him.
Faisal has made good progress in developing his country since 1962; but it is still a mighty backward place. Moreover, he has not worked for a Yemen settlement with 100% good faith.
[Page 512]

I recommend, therefore, that we play this visit correctly, and save any Billy Rose upgrading for a less ambiguous guest.


Play it correct and low key3


See me

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Saudi Arabia, King Faisal Trip to U.S., 6/21/66-7/1/66. Confidential.
  2. Attached is an unsigned, undated memorandum on the subject “Downplaying Faisal’s Visit.”
  3. None of the options is checked.