262. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

484. 1. Following texts letters exchanged President and King. Following FYI only. Noforn.

2. Letter from Faisal dated Feb 16, delivered by Prince Sultan to President Feb 21:

“Your Excellency:

“I have the greatest esteem for the efforts which you have undertaken in order to establish world peace and your firm stand in the face of the Communist current which is affecting the future of the free world and its destiny.

“The United States has borne the responsibility of stopping the Communist advance in the countries of Asia and Africa. It has done this by extending a helpful hand to the various states and by participating in economic development and raising the standard of living in the countries which stand against the Communist current which we combat on religious grounds and which you combat for doctrinaire reasons. Our aims are the same in this matter. It is my belief that the Communist elements in the Middle Eastern area regard it as only a part of the broad scale Communist plan for establishing bases for itself in the various parts of the world in order to spread out therefrom to carry out its aims and to realize its intentions.

“In view of the many ties and the traditional friendship which bind our two countries, I take the liberty of exchanging views with Your Excellency in order to coordinate our joint efforts aiming at putting an end to the spread of Communism in the world as a first step toward eliminating it.

“For this reason I have deemed it useful to send His Highness my brother Amir Sultan ibn Abdul Aziz bearing a special letter from me to Your Excellency. He will also give you a detailed explanation of the situation as I see it. He enjoys my confidence in all matters he will discuss with you.

“I take this opportunity to express to Your Excellency my high esteem and to wish Your Excellency good health and happiness, and for the people of the United States increased prosperity and progress.

[Page 500]

Your friend, Faisal”

3. Letter from President dated Feb 24,2 given Saudi Emb Feb 25 for Prince Sultan to deliver to King:

“Your Majesty:

“I was glad to receive in Washington your distinguished brother, His Royal Highness Prince Sultan ibn Abdul Aziz. In meetings with me and members of my Cabinet3 and my personal staff he most ably and eloquently explained your views. I thank you for sending him and for the personal message from you which he delivered.

“I share your concern that international Communism and Soviet and Chinese imperialism not extend their sway over free peoples. An abiding principle of our policy in the Near East, as elsewhere in the world, has been to insure that the peoples and governments have an alternative to Communism in support of their own efforts to develop in freedom. We have had this principle in mind with regard to the situation in Yemen. Accordingly, Your Majesty, we would welcome the opportunity to share our analysis of the present and potential threat of Communism in the Near East. After we have further studied your views, as presented by Prince Sultan, I will request Ambassador Eilts to discuss this subject in detail with you.

“With respect to the other aspects of our talks with Prince Sultan, we feel that the Jidda Agreement negotiated between Your Majesty and President Nasser represented an act of statesmanship which still affords the best approach for peaceful resolution of the Yemen conflict and hope that a way can be found to move toward peace on this basis despite certain difficulties which have arisen. Since we fully share your view that renewal of hostilities in Yemen would be inimical to the best interests of all concerned, would seriously threaten the stability of the area, and provide further opportunity for Communist exploitation, I hope and pray that every effort will be made to avert this dangerous situation.

“His Royal Highness Prince Sultan has kindly offered to deliver this letter to you. With it he also brings my warm personal greetings [Page 501] and my prayers for your continued good health, and the prosperity and peace of the people of Saudi Arabia.

Your friend, Lyndon B. Johnson.”

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 23-7 NEARE. Secret; Limdis. Drafted by Moore on February 25, cleared by Komer and Symmes, and approved by Davies.
  2. In a February 24 memorandum to the President, Komer wrote: “State strongly urges that we give Prince Sultan a presidential letter to take back to his brother King Faisal. Since these Saudis are staunch friends, and we can’t give them the answer they want—that we’ll back them against Nasser in Yemen—a warm non-letter makes sense. State has carefully drafted it to skirt the prickly Yemen issue, but gently plug for a statesmanlike political compromise. Recommend your signature, so we can get it to Sultan in New York.” (Johnson Library, National Security File, Special Head of State Correspondence File, Saudi Arabia, King Faisal Correspondence, Vol. I)
  3. See Document 389.