328. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State 1

2473. Vanto 36. Subject: Vance meeting with FonMin Caglayangil and Prime Minister Demirel—November 28.

Vance, accompanied by Ambassador Hart and John Walsh, had a five and one-half hour meeting beginning at 0200 this morning with FonMin Caglayangil who was assisted by Turkmen and Bulak.2 At 0900 the mission departed for Athens, carrying a draft to be presented to the GOG on an “accept it or accept war” basis. This paper is final Turkish position which you will note rejects most of my draft.
We have grave doubt Greeks will agree to this document. Even if they do paragraph #4 as insisted upon by Turks does not provide basis for SYG to act unless three countries agree to paragraph #4 and Makarios would agree. In addition time running out and if Makarios did not agree within very short period of time Turks may move. We are trying to find some way around this problem but have no answer yet. Perhaps SYG could issue appeal based on points 1, 2, and 3 of current draft and act unilaterally along lines of paragraph #4 of draft Vance presented to Turks which was rejected. This would take great courage on part of SYG and would carry risk that it would not be accepted by Turks who already have rejected it, or by Cypriots. (Request flash comments of Department and Goldberg.) Will continue to seek better alternative.
In addition Turks rejected Greek time table and have insisted on total withdrawal within 45 days. (Text of pertinent Caglayangil letter to me is attached.) We do not know whether Greeks can swallow this.
Plan to meet with Greek Foreign Minister immediately on arrival. Then plan to see Rolz-Bennett to get his views and help.
As result of last night’s session which will be reported in detail in cable to follow we have question as to Demirel’s ability to control his Cabinet. He appeared shaken and under great strain. We were informed he was turned down on more than one occasion in urging acceptance by Turks of some of points in Vance draft.

Text of GOT draft accord handed Vance Nov 28 as follows:

  • “1. The Secretary General of the United Nations would address an appeal to the Governments of Turkey, Greece and Cyprus, such an appeal to include:

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    A request that the Governments of Turkey and Greece take immediate steps to remove any threat to the security of each other and of Cyprus and as a first step along the lines of the Secretary General’s previous appeal to bring about an expeditious withdrawal of those forces in excess of the Turkish and Greek contingents.

  • 2. The Governments of Greece and Turkey would declare their readiness to comply forthwith with the appeal of the Secretary General.
  • 3. Thereupon the Greek Government would withdraw expeditiously its military forces and military personnel and equipment from Cyprus. Accompanying this, the Turkish Government will take all the necessary measures for removing the crisis.
  • 4. In response to the appeal of the Secretary General, there should be an enlarged and improved mandate for UNFICYP giving it an increased pacification role, which would include supervision of disarmament of all forces constituted after 1963 and new practical arrangements for the safeguarding of internal security including the safety of all citizens.”
  • 6. Following accompanying letter dated Nov 28 from FonMin Caglayangil also given Vance:

    “Dear Mr. Vance:

    Recognizing the great importance of reducing tensions between Greece and Turkey expeditiously, it is suggested that the proposed timetable for the withdrawal of the Greek forces contained in the letter of the Greek Foreign Minister to you be reduced from three months to 45 days. It is also stressed that this withdrawal should take place in a continuing process and carried out in good faith.

    On its part the Government of Turkey will take in parallel all the necessary measures for reducing the crisis. This means that with the commencement of the withdrawal of Greek forces the Government of Turkey will stand down the current state of readiness of its forces, and in parallel with further Greek withdrawals will reduce the military preparedness of its forces to levels in effect prior to November 15, 1967.

    Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 US/VANCE. Secret; Flash; Exdis. Received at 1131Z and repeated to Ankara, Nicosia, London, the Mission to NATO, USUN, and CINCEUR.
  2. Vance reported on his meeting with Caglayangil, in which he requested and received an audience with Demirel, in Vanto 39, November 28. (Ibid.)