- Abdul Razak, Tun, 748
- Abrams, Creighton W., 398–399
- Acheson, Dean, 20, 137n, 139, 541
- Acheson Plan, 64, 106, 136, 388, 415, 543
- Ackley, Gardiner, 286–289
- Adair, 487
- AFL-CIO, 60
- Africa, 214
- Afro-Asian Conference, Algiers (postponed), 15
- Agency for International Development (AID) (see also U.S. economic aid under Vietnam, Republic of): food aid to villagers, 325–326
- Aiken, George D., 270, 635n
- Air strikes against DRV (see also
Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV; U.S. - RVN operations against DRV):
- approval of, 39
- assessment of, 143–146, 280–285, 398, 500–504, 645
- British position, 114, 282, 429
- calls for ending of, 431–436, 438, 453–456
- China, People’s Republic of, possible response, 88, 219, 385, 388n, 390, 403–405, 408–411, 484, 525
- CIA position, 88
- civilian casualties from, 491
- continuation of, 395
- decrease in, 703
- DRV, effect on:
- DRV position, 367–371, 403–404, 406–410, 421, 684, 707
- Hanoi as target, 219, 226, 679
- harbors as targets, 43, 88
- Hungarian position, 431–436
- increase in, 69–70, 176, 187, 545, 695–697
- industrial targets, 184, 681, 683
- Japanese position, 114, 282, 429
- JCS position, 579–580
- levelling off of, 443–445, 545–546, 555, 593
- military targets, 184, 212, 292, 684
- missile sites, 88, 117, 240–245, 253–256, 293, 685
- RVN position, 159, 340, 524
- Soviet reaction to, 88, 114, 138, 405–406, 408–411
- target selection, 283–284, 378–380, 388n
- transportation targets, 43, 99, 184, 387, 501–502, 682–683, 685
- U.S. policy, 138, 536–537, 708, 712
- Aka, Moise, 317–318
- Albania, 469
- Albert, Carl, 264–265
- Algeria, 302
- Algiers Conference, 15, 74
- Alsop, Joseph, 458n, 467
- American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), 441, 588–591, 704
- American Red Cross, 497–498
- American Southeast Asia Foundation, 382n, 441
- Amnesty. See Chieu Hoi program.
- Anh, Col., 509
- Arends, Leslie C., 264, 267, 634
- Arkas-Duntov, Urah, 274, 276–277, 312, 474n
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). See Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces.
- Arnett, Peter, 309
- Asia, 218, 250
- Australia (see also Australia and Australian subheadings under other subjects), 495
- Ayub Khan, Mohammed, 214, 270, 533, 749–750
- Bacon, Ruth, 353n
- Balaceanu, Petre, 453
- Ball, George W., 37, 39n, 121n, 123n,
188n, 260n, 338n, 386n, 427n, 486n, 514n, 529n, 597n, 598n
- air strikes against DRV, 383, 421, 437, 456, 579, 640–641, 645–646
- Communist insurgency:
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 580, 604
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 584–587, 599, 601, 639, 662, 665, 667, 677, 679
- personal impressions of, 208
- political settlement in Vietnam, 730–734, 744, 749–751, 757
- Republican “White Paper,” 343
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy on Vietnam, 561, 644
- Bankson, Brig. Gen. Roger, 323
- Bao Dai, 79
- Baschiru, Ion, 453
- Bates, William, 631
- Beech, Keyes, 643, 679
- Bell, Colin, 589
- Ben Bella, Ahmed, 278
- Bennett, Sgt. Harold G., 46–48, 50–51, 77
- Berlin, 37–39, 56, 146, 195, 212, 297, 406, 535, 677
- Big Minh. See Duong Van Minh, Gen.
- Bion (France), 474, 603
- Black, Eugene R., 72–73, 129
- Blue Tree Reconnaissance, 731
- Boggs, Hale, 264–266, 268, 635n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 314n
- Bolivia, 233
- Bombing pauses. See Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV.
- Bowman, Richard C., 181, 257n
- Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 137–140
- Brandt, Willy, 295
- Brazil, 686–687
- Brement, Marshall, 147
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 629
- Brown, Harold, 210, 213–214
- Bruce, David K.E., 9, 11–12, 15
- Buddhists. See Religious groups in Vietnam.
- Buffum, William, 239
- Bui Diem, 6, 153
- Bui Tuong Huan, 6
- Bunche, Ralph J., 277
- Bundy, McGeorge, 1, 39n, 62n,
77n, 106n, 113n, 147n, 217n, 247n, 249n, 257n, 260n, 298, 367n, 382n, 386n,
389n, 402n, 442n, 486n, 508n, 510n, 514n, 535n, 614n, 619n, 622n, 686n, 728n
- air strikes against DRV, 37–38, 283–284, 421, 429–430, 437, 444, 456, 579, 645, 709–710
- China, People’s Republic of, position on Vietnam, 556–559
- Communist insurgency:
- declaration of war, 484
- economic situation in RVN, 60–61
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 604
- cost of, 206–207
- foreign reaction to, 273
- history of recommendations for, 233–236
- reserves call - up, 223
- timing of decision for, 206
- White House advisers meeting, July 21, 189–191, 195–196, 198–199, 202–203
- White House advisers meeting, July 22, 218, 220
- White House - Congressional leadership meeting, July 27, 264, 269
- White House - JCS meeting, July 22, 210, 216–217
- French and U.S. roles in Vietnam, similarity, 79–85
- Goodpaster Study, 181
- JCS recommendations for Vietnam war, 378
- Lodge appointment as ambassador, 126–127, 188–189
- Morse memorandum, 27, 44–45
- Nkrumah trip to Hanoi, 309
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 300, 303–305, 475–484, 532–533, 587, 635
- political settlement in Vietnam, 180, 363–364
- political situation in RVN, 59–60
- public information program, 294–298
- refugees, 439
- Republican “White Paper”, 343–344
- Soviet - U.S. relations, 667
- U.N. role in Vietnam, Thant memorandum, 353n
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, 45–46, 233, 239, 299
- U.S. - DRV secret contacts, 133, 319
- U.S. economic aid to Vietnam, 333n
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 90–91
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- Bundy, William P., 39n, 62n, 123n, 153n, 171n, 247n, 249n, 260n, 338n, 353n, 383n, 386n, 442n, 492n, 576n, 579n, 581n, 721n, 753n
- air strikes against DRV, 429–430, 456, 580
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 235, 269–270, 604
- White House advisers meeting, July 21, 189, 194n, 195
- JCS recommendations for Vietnam war, 378
- Lodge appointment as ambassador, 188
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 599, 714, 717
- political settlement in Vietnam, 9, 37–38, 180
- Republican “White Paper”, 344
- Soviet - U.S. relations, 671
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, 45
- U.S. contacts with representatives of Communist insurgency, 119
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 113–115, 163
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 486–491
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 274, 276n
- Vietnam Panel recommendations, 137
- Burma, 721–722
- Busby, Horace, 37, 39n, 197n, 260n
- Byroade, Henry A., 721, 730, 733, 736–737, 739–740, 745
- Califano, Joseph, 607, 619n
- Cambodia (see also Cambodia and Cambodian
subheadings under other subjects), 313, 496, 679
- Communist movement of supplies through, 361, 564, 746, 758
- DRV, diplomatic support in U.N. for, 469
- Geneva conference, proposed, 316, 319, 329, 434, 630
- ICC role in, 709
- Red Cross packages to Communists in the south, 495
- RVN, relations with, 455
- Thailand, relations with, 455
- U.S. military involvement in, 649
- U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, consequences of, 110, 214
- Canada, 230
- Cao Dai, 8, 64, 534n
- CARE, 441
- Caritas, 745
- Castelo Branco, Humberto, 686–687, 693
- Cater, S. Douglass, 37–38, 39n, 167, 218, 264, 260n, 294, 297–298
- Catholic Relief Service, 441
- Catholics. See
Palmas, Archbishop;
- Paul VI, Pope; Religious groups in Vietnam.
- Cease - fires. See Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV; see under Political settlement in Vietnam; U.S. - RVN operations against DRV.
- Celac, Sergiu, 453
- Censorship, 72, 136, 325
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 71n, 449, 457, 500n
- Chancellor, John, 294, 296, 298, 322–323
- Chase, Gordon, 239
- Chau, Col., 509
- Chauvel, Jean Michel Henri, 671, 729, 755
- Chemical weapons, 183
- Ch’en Yi, 428, 432
- Cherne, 441
- Chien Thang (pacification) plan (see also pacification program under Vietnam, Republic of), 396
- Chieu. See Pham Xuan Chieu .
- Chieu Hoi (amnesty) program, 259
- Chile, 720
- China, People’s Republic of (see also China, People’s
Republic of subheadings under other subjects):
- air strikes in DRV, effect on, 283–284, 552, 666
- containment of, 514–515
- DRV, relations with, 114, 690n
- exclusion from settlement in Vietnam, 180
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam and, 252
- French assessment of, 759–760
- India, attack on, 410, 535, 629
- Indonesia, relations with, 455
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, effect on, 674
- political settlement in Vietnam:
- Southeast Asia, threat to, 171, 757
- Soviet Union, relations with, 39, 140, 261, 428, 456, 697, 743
- U.S. actions in Vietnam, effect of, 149–151, 660–662
- United Kingdom, relations with, 455
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 246, 327, 356n
- U.S. airmen held by, 326–327
- U.S. operations against DRV, response to, 19, 556–559
- U.S. relations with, 331, 455–456, 479
- Vietnam war, entry into, 178, 182, 194, 215, 340, 436, 481, 535, 556–559
- Yugoslav assessment of, 309
- China, Republic of:
- Chou En - lai, 690, 704
- Church, Frank F., 84, 630
- Church World Service, 441
- Churchill, Winston L.S., 266
- Cicognani, Cardinal, 747
- Clausewitz, Karl Maria von, 290–291
- Cleveland, J. Harlan, 27, 232, 338n, 573
- Clifford, Clark, 197n, 218, 556–559
- Co. See Nguyen Huu Co .
- Colby, William E., 274n, 306
- Colonialism, 79, 85, 590
- Commercial Import Program (CIP), 155–156
- Commonwealth of Nations, 315, 455, 701, 706, 707n
- Communist insurgency (see also
Expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam; Political settlement in Vietnam; U.S. military involvement in Vietnam; U.S. -
RVN operations against DRV):
- assassination of village leaders by, 458–459, 539
- battles:
- Bien Hoa airfield, Nov., 280, 712
- Binh Gia, Dec., 346
- Bu Dop, 347
- Chu Lai, 339, 341
- Dak Sut, Aug. 18,, 347
- Danang, Aug. 4,, 300
- Dien Bien Phu, May 1954, 80, 83
- Dong Xoai, June, 14, 158, 341, 346
- Duc Co, June - Aug., 341, 346–347
- Ia Drang Valley, Nov. 14, 583n, 592, 616
- Kontum Province, June, 78
- Phuoc Long, June, 5
- Pleiku, Jan., 234, 242, 280, 712
- Plei Me, Oct., 557, 582–583, 642
- Qui Nhon, Feb. 10, 280
- Song Be, May, 341, 346
- capabilities and objectives of, 344–351, 563–568
- casualty levels, 129, 196, 216, 332, 537
- case-file:
- China, People’s Republic of, military aid to, 211
- coalition government, inclusion, 540
- defeat of, possible, 510–511, 543
- defense of Central Plateau, 3–5
- deserters from, 72, 96, 102, 161, 164, 400, 537, 642
- disarmament of, 472, 519, 701
- diversion of supplies by, 539
- DRV, relations with, 148–149, 599, 718, 736
- espionage by, 462
- expansion of U.S. commitment, effect on, 341–342
- fading away of, 364–365, 421–425, 443
- force levels, 70, 81, 517, 538, 566–568, 592, 616
- formation of government by, 73, 200
- general strike, failure of, 458, 460, 564–565
- Hate America campaign, 458, 565
- heavy weapons, use of, 3
- highlands as target of, 346
- logistics for, 198
- medical supplies blockaded to, 494–495
- monsoon of 1965, 16–21, 87, 93, 113–115, 178, 346–351, 537
- morale of troops of, 66–69, 177, 407–409, 538, 548, 642
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 477, 481–482
- political strength of, 448n, 449–450, 461
- recognition of, 513, 600, 610, 688–689, 706, 723–725, 737, 752, 755
- Red Cross donations to, 495, 497
- removal to DRV of, 471–472
- rice, theft of, 463
- rise in incidents by, 450, 459–460, 509
- RVN - U.S. differences on negotiations with, 713
- small - scale actions by, 393–394, 398, 400, 414, 442–443
- Soviet assessment of, 418
- Soviet military aid to, 211
- territory controlled by, 200
- terrorist attacks:
- transport, interference with, 78, 94, 129
- U.N. sessions, participation in, 239
- U.S. assessment of, 358–359, 516–517
- U.S. contacts with, 119–122, 128, 133, 205, 302, 329, 529–530, 534, 561, 603–604, 606, 622–623, 633, 648, 742, 745–746, 755–756
- U.S. force level increases, 75–77, 185–187, 225–228, 515–516
- U.S. prisoners, 423, 452, 467, 493
- Congo, Republic of the (Brazzaville), 469
- Congress, U.S. (see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.):
- Acts of:
- bombing pauses, 480, 608, 678, 718, 752
- Dodd Committee, 629
- expansion of U.S. commitment to Vietnam, 621
- Javits resolution, 39
- President’s message re force buildup, 166–167, 199, 206
- President’s relationship with, 338
- prisoners of war, 465, 497
- supplemental appropriations for Vietnam, 85, 175, 198, 261, 618
- $25 billion approprations request for Vietnam, 741
- U.S. - RVN operations against DRV, 254
- White House - Congressional leadership meeting, July 27, 265–269
- Cooper, Chester L., 153, 163–166, 188, 197n
- anti - war demonstrations, 437
- bombing pauses, 300–303
- government information program, 294–298, 322, 324
- non - military programs in Vietnam, 204–205, 380–383, 575–576
- political settlement in Vietnam, 73–75, 416
- Red Cross role in Vietnam, 492
- refugees, 439–442
- U.S. contacts with representatives of Communist insurgency, 305–307
- Cooper, John Sherman, 270
- Council of Notables, 8
- Counterinsurgency operations (see
Communist insurgency; Psychological warfare; U.S. - RVN operations against DRV):
- Arrest and Detention Law, 58
- bounties on Viet Cong leaders, 58
- CIA training of local teams, 58, 381, 459, 509
- countersubversion, 57–58
- foraging teams, use of, 199
- indicators of success or failure in, 135
- informants, 58
- non - military program, 204–205
- police forces, expansion of, 381
- political requirements for, 290
- resettlement of villagers, 290
- U.S. troop committment for, 12
- Cousins, Norman, 645
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 278, 758
- Cowles, John, 137n, 140–141
- Coyne, Patrick, 556, 559
- Cronin, Mons., 744
- Crop destruction, 141–143
- Cuba, 213, 221–222, 420, 469, 535, 697, 741
- Czechoslavakia, 466, 498
- Dai Viet, 64
- Davies, Harold, 706, 707n
- Davis, Elmer, 294
- Davis, Richard H., 453
- Dean, Arthur, 137n, 139–140, 167, 218–220, 249
- Dean, David, 274, 276n
- Dean, Patrick, 11, 299n
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also Joint Chiefs of Staff), 71n
- Defoliation, 141–143, 477
- De Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 66, 463, 733n
- De Lattre de Tassigny Plan, 19
- Denmark, 495
- DePuy, Brig. Gen. William E., 76, 397, 486–487, 489, 498–499
- Devillers, Philippe, 330, 334
- Dewey, Thomas, 597
- Diem. SeeNgo Dinh Diem.
- Diem government, 159, 588, 590
- Dinh Trinh Chinh, 6
- Diplomatic peace initiatives. See Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV; Political settlement in Vietnam.
- Dirksen, Everett McK., 264, 267–268, 343, 621, 661, 751
- Disarmament, 220, 230, 256, 301
- Do. See Tran Van Do .
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 10, 130–131, 418, 629–630
- Dominican Republic, 37–40, 44, 293, 420
- Domino theory, 40–41, 109–111, 137–138, 214, 221, 634
- Dreyfus Fund, 274, 312
- Dudman, Richard, 663n
- Duong Van Duc, 506
- Duong Van Minh, Gen., 352, 506
- Eastern Europe, 701
- Economic situation in RVN
(see also
- actions by Ky government, 155
- agricultural production, 173
- balance of payments, 156
- black market in U.S. dollars, 156–157, 237, 333
- distribution of commodities, 129, 177, 392, 517
- hoarding by merchants, 78, 94–95
- industrial development, 382
- inflation, 173, 237, 448, 451, 458, 460, 462–463, 508, 643
- land reform, 60, 382, 388, 576
- military buildup, effect of, 517–518, 523, 539, 548
- shipping, 463
- Ecuador, 270
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee meetings, Geneva, 220, 230, 256, 301
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 64, 266–267, 343
- Ek, Lt. Paul, 394
- Elections (see also under Political situation in RVN):
- Erhard, Ludwig, 112, 686, 730, 749, 751
- Ervin, Sam, 634
- Ethiopia, 74, 495
- Ethnic groups in Vietnam:
- Expansion of U.S. commitment to Vietnam (see also
U.S. military involvement in Vietnam; U.S. policy in Vietnam):
- Americanization of the conflict, 208
- Australian position, 270
- Canadian position, 270
- China, People’s Republic of, reaction, 228–229
- cost of, 206–207, 212, 583
- deferment of, 547–548
- DRV reaction, 225–228, 341–342
- education of the public on, 294–298
- Ghanaian position, 273
- history of recommendations for, 233–236
- Honolulu meeting, April 20, 235
- non - Communist world reactions, 230–231
- Netherlands position, 270
- Pakistani position, 270
- Philippine position, 270
- public statement re, 206, 249–253, 257n, 273
- quiet reversal of, 238
- recommendations for 1966, 582, 593, 595, 617
- recommendations for 1967, 593, 617
- RVN position, 525
- Soviet reaction, 229–231
- support forces in Asian and Pacific areas, 366n
- U.S. economy, effect on, 286–289
- U.S. - RVN understandings for facilitation of, 236–237, 247–249, 251, 257–260
- White House advisers meeting, July 21, 188–204
- White House advisers meeting, July 22, 217–220
- White House - Congressional leadership meeting, July 27, 264–269
- White House - JCS meeting, July 22, 209–217
- Fanfani, Amintore, 576–579, 581, 658, 663n, 676, 704, 708, 733
- Federenko, Nikolai, 132n
- Finland, 495
- Ford, Emmett B., Jr., 431
- Ford Foundation, 710n
- Ford, Gerald R., Jr., 217, 264, 266, 343n, 487, 634, 662
- Formosa Straits, 250, 535
- Fortas, Abe, 597, 658, 660, 664–665
- Fowler, Henry H., 260n, 263
- France (see also France and French subheadings under other subjects), 496
- Algerian war, 57, 152, 335, 369
- diplomatic break with RVN, 38–39, 77
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 269
- Indochina war, 18–19, 57, 79–80, 82–83, 208
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 479
- political settlement in Vietnam, 112
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 233, 326n
- United States, relations with, 463
- U.S. military aid to, 18
- Frankel, Max, 598
- Freeman, Orville, 647
- Freymond, Jacques, 496
- Friends. See American Friends Service Committee.
- Fulbright, J. William, 84, 260, 270
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 221–223, 238
- Geneva Accords, 1954, 148, 220, 247, 252, 649, 708
- Geneva Accords on Laos, 1962, 147–148, 220, 454–456, 574, 627, 689, 705, 706
- Geneva Conference on Korea and Indochina, 1954, 83, 354
- Geneva Conference on Peace in Southeast Asia, proposed, 101
- Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War, 1949, 452, 464–466, 492–494, 496–498, 568–569
- Geneva convention on warfare, 324
- Geneva disarmament talks, 220, 230, 256, 301
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 56, 112, 140, 733
- Ghana, 315, 480, 693, 706
- Giap. See Vo Nyuyen Giap.
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 137
- Ginsburg, David, 596
- Goldberg, Arthur J., 231–232, 367n, 510n, 572n
- air strikes against missile sites in DRV, 240, 242–244, 253, 255
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 249, 251
- Johnson speech before U.N., 669
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 320–321, 601–602, 655, 720
- political settlement in Vietnam, 338, 392, 467–470, 533, 751
- talks with the Pope, 731, 733–734, 740, 744–747, 749, 754
- tear gas use in Vietnam, 413
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 277–279
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, 238, 245–247, 263, 271, 299, 317–318, 671
- Goldwater, Barry M., 53, 627, 718
- Gomulka, Wladislaw, 749, 757
- Gonard, Samuel, 492, 496
- Goodell, Charles E., 343n
- Goodpaster, Lt. Gen. Andrew A., 153, 188
- Goodwin, Richard, 260n, 264, 269
- Gordon, Lincoln, 686–687
- Goure (Rand Corp.), 642–643
- Great Society, 647
- Greece, 214, 560, 617, 686, 697, 741
- Greene, Felix, 690n
- Greene, Gen. Wallace M., Jr., 210, 214–215
- Greenfield, James L., 294–295, 297–298, 322–323, 325, 492n
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 51–54, 427–428, 432–433
- Gronouski, John A., 720, 737–738, 739n, 752, 756n, 757
- Gruening, Ernest, 84
- Guam, 35
- Guatemala, 270
- Guinea, 74, 469
- Gulf of Tonkin incident, 280, 705
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 85, 705
- Gullion, Edmund S., 312–316, 319, 328–332, 334–337, 367–371, 384, 504
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 235–236
- Hand, Lloyd, 338n
- Harlech, Lord. SeeOrmsby Gore, David.
- Harriman, Marie, 721
- Harriman, W. Averell, 74, 338n
- air strikes against missile sites in DRV, 240n
- diplomatic role for, 614, 621–622, 638, 651–652, 666, 671
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 612, 719–721
- third - country troops, request for, 686–687
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, postponement of, 238, 278
- U.S. commitment in Vietnam, nature of, 704n
- U.S. - DRV contacts, 595
- visits:
- Hebert, Edward, 634
- Heller, Walter W., 596
- Helms, Richard N., 37, 39n, 188n, 260n, 743
- Herfurt, Jack A., 153
- Herring, George C., 312–313, 319, 328n, 371n
- Hertz, Burke, 306
- Hertz, Gustav C., 165, 306, 474, 494
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 264, 268–269, 751
- Hill, Lister, 631
- Hitch, Charlie, 163
- Ho Chi Minh, 82, 148, 151–152, 193, 215, 290, 328
- Hoa Hao, 8
- Hoang Quynh, 24
- Hoffman, Paul G., 139–140
- Hop Tac program, 136
- House of Representatives, U.S. (see also Congress, U.S.):
- Hughes, Thomas L., 556n, 559, 598n, 601n, 754n
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 267, 655, 671, 686
- Humphreys, Gen., 687
- Hungary, 627, 671, 719–720, 739
- Huong government, 24, 234, 374
- Huynh Van Tam, 306
- Hyland, William, 754n
- ICRC. See Red Cross, International Committee of the.
- Ignatius, Paul, 163
- India (see also India and Indian subheadings under other
subjects), 151, 214
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 22, 479–480, 655, 660
- China, People’s Republic of, attack, 410, 535, 629
- Communist takeover of Vietnam, effect of, 41
- Congress Party, 693
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 230
- ICC role of, 705, 749, 754, 757
- Pakistan, conflict with, 390, 407, 410, 420, 428, 468, 660
- political settlement in Vietnam, 700, 739
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 326n
- United States, relations with, 515
- Indochina. See Indochina war under France.
- Indonesia, 496, 668
- Information program, U.S., 294–298, 322–325, 596
- Inouye, Daniel, 635n
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). See Red Cross, International Committee of.
- International conference on Vietnam, proposals, 9–11, 149
- Prime Ministers’ mission role in, 15
- International Control Commission (ICC), 466, 541, 590, 738, 749, 754, 757
- International Rescue Committee, 60
- Iran, 671, 687, 729
- Ireland, 495
- Italy, 733, 749
- Ivory Coast, 233
- Jackson, Henry, 631
- Jacobson, Col., 164
- Japan (see also Japan and Japanese subheadings under other subjects), 151, 495, 696
- Javits, Jacob K., 630
- Javits Resolution, 39
- Johnson, Gen. Harold, 210, 215, 234
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 37, 62n, 86n, 106n, 125n, 147n, 217n, 291n, 298, 382n, 686n, 707n,
- air strikes against DRV, 283, 437–438, 579, 620
- British - U.S. discussions, 11–13, 40
- cease - fires:
- Communist insurgency:
- coup against Quat government, 13–14
- declaration of war, 484
- DRV attitude toward election of, 435
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 260, 262–263, 269,
- cost of, 206–207
- history of recommendations for, 233–235
- public statement for, 257n, 273
- timing of decision for, 206
- U.S. economy, effect on, 286
- White House advisers meeting, July 21, 191–195, 197, 199–202, 204
- White House advisers meeting, July 22, 218–220
- White House - Congressional leadership meeting, July 27, 269
- White House - JCS meeting, July 22, 209–217
- government information program, 322, 325
- Ky government, 34, 399
- Lodge appointment as ambassador, 126–127, 188
- McNamara - Lodge mission, July:
- Lodge’s report, 170–171
- McNamara’s report, 171, 188
- media position on policies of, 84
- message re force buildup, 166–167, 199, 206
- Morse memorandum, 27, 44
- Nkrumah trip to Hanoi, 309–312
- non - military programs in Vietnam, 380, 484–485, 607, 619–620
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 303, 320, 489, 532, 587, 622n, 635, 637, 668, 737
- political settlement in Vietnam, 133, 180, 319, 363
- political situation in Vietnam, 77
- Republican “White Paper”, 343
- Southeast Asian economic development programs, 702
- Soviet - U.S. relations, 179–180
- talks on Vietnam, 150, 427
- speeches:
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, 45, 231–233, 238–239, 279n, 299, 317
- unification of Vietnam, 275, 354–355
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 535
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- Vietnam panel recommendations, 137
- weekly Embassy reports to, 13–15, 34–35, 77–79, 129–130, 169–170, 332–333, 391–393, 399–401, 421–424, 448–451, 458–460, 508–510, 569–571, 641–643
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 39n, 236n, 529n, 581n, 597n, 598n, 717n, 721n
- air strikes against DRV, 430
- Communist insurgency, 51, 128, 344
- DRV - U.S. secret contacts, 128
- McNamara - Lodge mission, July, 153, 169, 171, 190, 197
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 491, 658, 660, 665, 668–669, 677–678, 714–716
- peace initiatives, 174n, 730
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 535–554
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
(see also
Wheeler, Gen. Earle
G.), 1n, 188, 486n, 500n
- air strikes against DRV, 398, 429n, 579, 620
- airfields in Vietnam, increase of, 70
- call - up of reserves, 617–618
- Christmas truce, 640
- deployment of Marines to Danang, 234
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 210–217, 273, 607
- force levels, 412
- memoranda:
- military planning for Vietnam, 396
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 596, 608, 638, 646–647, 658, 672–673, 692
- Jordan, 233
- Jorden, William J., 294–295, 322, 437
- Joy, C. Turner, 677, 735
- Kashmir, 427, 760
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 260n
- Keating, Kenneth B., 222
- Keldysh, Mstislav V., 52
- Kennan, George F., 52–53, 708
- Kennedy, Edward M., 441
- Kennedy, John F., 255, 262n, 454, 535–536, 705
- Kennedy, Robert F., 621–622, 633
- Kennedy - Khruschev summit, Vienna, June 1961, 147, 255
- Kent, Sherman, 743
- Kenya, 469, 693
- Khang, Gen., 153
- Khanh. SeeNguyen Khanh, Maj. Gen.
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 147, 255, 454, 705
- Killen, James S., 78
- Kissinger, Henry, 460, 677
- Kistiakowsky, George S., 137, 139
- Kleiman, Robert, 488
- Kohler, Foy D., 51–54, 147, 721
- Komer, Robert W., 619n, 631, 710
- Korea, Democratic Republic of, 29–30, 227
- Korea, Republic of:
- Korean war, 29, 151, 208, 215, 221, 250, 596, 696, 712, 741
- Kosygin, Alexei N., 74–75, 629, 647
- Krock, Arthur, 720
- Kuchel, Thomas H., 264, 268, 635
- Ky government (see also
Political situation in RVN; Vietnam, Republic of),
- assets and liabilities of, 23–27, 505–507
- Cabinet changes, 423
- control of territory by, 592, 616
- coup against Quat, 6–9, 13–14
- DRV position, 367–368
- inaction of, 517, 539, 591
- McNamara - Lodge mission, meeting with, 153–162
- Papal appeal for peace, 744
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 663, 674
- public opinion toward, 445–448
- public relations activities of, 95–96
- stability of, 161–162, 164, 173, 201–202, 388, 399, 415, 564
- 26 - point program, 25, 34, 93, 96, 248
- U.S. initiatives for support of, 101–102, 553–554, 713
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 91–92
- U.S. veto power over actions of, 176, 193
- withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam, 64–65, 213
- Ky. SeeKy government; Nguyen Cao Ky.
- La Pira, Giorgio, 581, 733, 745
- Labor movement, 60, 447, 463
- Lac, Col., 509
- Laird, Melvin R., 22, 85, 343n
- Lake, W.A.K., 589
- Lam Bao, 736
- Lansdale, Maj. Gen. Edward G., 289–290, 325, 401, 450
- Laos, 313, 346,
- Communist activity in:
- Communist control of, 759
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 269
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 147–148, 454–456
- Geneva conference, proposed, 316, 319, 329, 434
- Operation Barrel Roll, 477
- Operation Steel Tiger, 477
- political settlement in Vietnam, 110, 739
- U.S. military actions in, 184, 649
- U.S. policy in, 358, 735
- withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam, 65
- Larson, Arthur H., 137–140
- Latin America, 687
- Le Van Hoach, 530, 534, 756
- Le Van Tien, 424–425
- Lebanon, 495
- Leddy, John, 338n, 453
- Leibman, 294, 296–298
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 487, 621
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 212
- Lenin, V.I., 290
- Leonhart, William, 463n
- Lewis, Anthony, 38
- Li Thanh Nghi, 684
- Liechtenstein, 495
- Lippmann, Walter S., 218, 449, 645
- Lipscomb, Glenard, 631
- Lisle, Raymond E., 453
- Lodge, Henry Cabot (see also
McNamara -
Lodge Mission to Saigon,
July), 260n,
- air strikes against missile sites in DRV, 240, 243, 253, 255
- appointment as ambassador to RVN, 92, 188–189
- Christmas truce, 640
- Communist insurgency:
- Eisenhower, meeting with, 325–326
- expansion of U.S. commitment to RVN, 525, 580, 591, 593
- French - U.S. relations, 463
- neutral Vietnam, prospect of, 179n
- pauses in U.S. bombing of North Vietnam, 300, 438–439, 478, 487–488, 491, 587, 610–611, 650, 653–654, 717, 718n
- personal assessments of, 207
- political settlement in Vietnam:
- Republican “White Paper”, 343
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 246, 263, 339–340, 353n
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 262, 396–398, 457
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 116, 384
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- weekly Embassy reports to the President, 332–333, 393–393, 399–401, 421–424, 448–451, 458–460, 508–510, 569–571, 641–643
- Long, Russell B., 264, 266
- Lovett, Robert, 137n, 140
- Macapagal, Diosdado, 655
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 215–216
- Magnuson, Warren, 632
- Mahon, George, 631
- Maissi, Elli, 274
- Mai Van Bo, 109, 123, 474
- Malaya, 365, 472
- Malaysia, 110–112, 194, 214, 233, 318, 748
- Mali, 469
- Malita, Mircea, 453
- Manac’h, Etienne, 474
- Manfull, Melvin L., 153, 257
- Mann, Thomas, 338n, 749–751, 754
- Mansfield, Mike, 10, 84, 260, 264, 268–269
- Mao Tse - tung, 148, 290, 511, 558
- Marcos, Ferdinand, 655, 686, 739
- Margaret, Princess, 750
- Marks, Ed, 440
- Marks, Leonard H., 188n, 197n, 253, 260n, 294, 296, 304
- Martin, Graham A., 747–748
- Martin, Paul, 573
- Matseev (Izvestia correspondent), 488
- Maunoir (ICRC), 496
- McBride, Robert H., 328n
- McCloskey, Robert J., 51n
- McCloy, John J., 137, 140, 218–220, 249
- McConnell, Gen. John P., 210, 212–213, 399
- McCormack, John W., 264, 266, 634, 659
- McDonald, Adm. David L., 210–212
- McNamara, Robert S. (see also
McNamara -
Lodge mission to Saigon,
July), 62n, 86n, 92n, 298,
320n, 386n, 442n, 486n, 500n, 510n, 529n
- air strikes against DRV, 37–38, 383–384, 389–390, 437, 456, 579, 620, 695
- Communist insurgency, 46, 398
- declaration of war, 485
- economic situation in RVN, 157n, 615–616
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 249, 261–262, 551,
580, 591–595, 604, 607,
- Congressional reaction to, 303
- cost of, 206–207
- history of recommendations for, 234–236
- troop increases, 17, 33, 116–118, 160, 162–163, 366, 411–412, 417, 419, 457
- U.S. economy, effect on, 286, 288
- White House advisers meeting, July 21, 189–204
- White House advisers meeting, July 22, 218–220
- White House - Congressional leadership meeting, July 27, 264, 267–269
- White House - JCS meeting, July 22, 209–217
- Fulbright’s opinion of, 272
- JCS recommendations for Vietnam, 377, 672–677
- Laos, 526–527, 668
- Lodge appointment as ambassador, 188–189
- non - military programs in Vietnam, 619–620
- odds of U.S victory, 662
- pacification programs in RVN, 615–616
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 303–304 520–521, 532–533, 549, 587, 599–601, 631, 639, 658–659, 692
- political settlement in Vietnam, 10, 720, 730–731
- political situation in RVN, 615–616
- Republican “White Paper”, 343
- security leaks, 398–399
- third - country troops, request for, 686
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, 238
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 90
- U.S. - RVN operations against DRV:
- Vietnam Panel recommendations, 137–138
- McNamara - Lodge mission to Saigon, July, 163–165
- McNaughton, John T., 37, 39n, 62n, 86n, 97n, 153, 171n, 188n, 260n, 274n, 442n, 492n, 514n, 535n
- Meeker, Leonard C., 322, 324, 492n, 699–702
- Meloy, Francis E., Jr., 188, 635–637
- Mendel, Wolfe, 589n, 704
- Mendes - France, Pierre, 83
- Menzies, Robert G., 9, 12, 686
- Mexico, 693, 754
- Michalowski, Jerzy, 737–738, 752–753, 756–757
- Military Assistance Command, U.S. (MACV):
- Mitchell, Derek, 11
- Mohr, Charles, 679
- Monaco, 495
- Monroney, Mike, 632
- Montagnards, 105, 628, 724
- Moro, Aldo, 730, 733, 747
- Morrison, Norman, 591
- Morse, Wayne, 27–33, 84, 130–131
- Moyers, Bill D., 9, 188n, 189, 246, 260n, 420n, 594n,
561, 619n
- air strikes against DRV, 240, 385
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 206
- force increases, 33, 419
- White House advisers meeting, July 22, 218–219
- White House - Congressional leadership meeting, July 27, 264, 269
- government information program, 298, 322, 324–325, 596
- Nkrumah trip to Hanoi, 309–311
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 595, 597–598, 639, 709, 750
- Republican “White Paper”, 343
- Murrow, Edward R., 294
- Muskie, Edmund S., 635n
- Narasimhan, C.V., 277
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 320, 750
- National Council of Churches, 600–601
- National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF). See Communist insurgency.
- National Leadership Council, 13
- National Liberation Front (NLF). See Communist insurgency.
- National Security Council (NSC): meetings:
- Navarre Plan, 19
- Ne Win, 748
- Netherlands, 233
- Neutralization of Vietnam, 326–327, 330
- New Zealand, 750
- Ngo Dinh Can, 374
- Ngo Dinh Diem (see also Diem government), 18, 54, 64n, 80, 315, 330, 343, 345, 369, 625
- Nguyen Bao Tri, Gen., 447
- Nguyen Cao Ky (see also
government), 635n
- broad - based political party, establishment of, 693–694
- Cabinet post changes by, 423
- Catholic attitude toward, 8, 24
- coup against Quat government, 6
- DRV, negotiations with, 460–461
- economic situation in Vietnam, 94–96
- elections, 397
- force increases, 71–72, 160, 177
- French - RVN relations, 39
- government stability, 161–162, 195, 352
- inflation, 458, 462–463
- local government, 576
- McNamara - Lodge mission, July, 153
- military effectiveness, increase in, 93–94
- Montagnards, 400–401
- negotiations, unreadiness for, 470
- pacification program, 396, 424–427, 462
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 611, 677, 718
- prisoners of war, 568, 569n
- rear - guard role for RVN troops, 271
- refugees, 440
- resignation of, possible, 374–375
- revolutionary change, necessity for, 351–352
- RVN diplomatic representation, lack of, 353
- RVN invasion of DRV, 190, 308
- selection as prime minister, 13–14
- Taylor’s assessment of, 77–78, 308
- U.S. assessment of, 25–26, 164, 202, 401, 463, 505, 507
- U.S. contacts with representatives of Communist insurgency, 307, 534, 606, 623
- U.S. - RVN understandings on expansion of commitment, 237, 247–249, 257–259
- visits:
- withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam, 64
- Nguyen Chanh Thi, Gen., 6, 8, 372–375, 423, 447, 506
- Nguyen Duc Thang, Gen., 447, 509
- Nguyen Huu Co, 164
- Nguyen Khanh, Maj. Gen., 136n, 159, 352, 373–374
- Nguyen Tat Ung, 396, 401, 450, 509
- Nguyen Van Chi, 274
- Nguyen Van Thieu, Gen., 635n
- Buddhist attitude toward, 26, 332
- Catholic attitude toward, 8, 756
- Communist insurgency, political strength of, 448n, 449–450
- coup against Quat government, 6
- elections, 195
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 237, 247, 257–259
- McNamara - Lodge mission, July, 153–154
- negotiations, unreadiness for, 470
- political strength of, 34
- resignation of, possible, 374–375
- RVN force increases, 94
- selection as head of state, 13
- U.S. assessment of, 202, 308
- U.S. force increases, 71, 160, 163, 177
- Nigeria, 74
- Ninth Congress of Romanian Communist Party, Bucharest, July 19–24, 219–220
- Nitze, Paul H., 210–211
- Nixon, Richard M., 384
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 15, 320
- Norodom Sihanouk, Prince, 328, 455, 495, 630, 709, 746, 758
- North Africa, 671, 687
- North Atlantic Council Ministerial meeting, Paris, Dec. 14–16, 644, 686
- North Atlantic Treaty, 56
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 56, 112, 480, 536
- Norway, 230, 495
- Nuclear war, 91
- Nuclear weapons, 183, 204, 455
- Nyerere, Julius, 463–464
- O’Brien, Lawrence, 264
- Okinawa, 230
- Operation Arc Light, 717
- Operation Barrel Roll, 477
- Operation Rolling Thunder. See Air strikes against DRV.
- Operation Steel Tiger, 477
- Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 495
- Pacification program. See under Vietnam, Republic of.
- Pakistan, 390
- Palmas, Archbishop, 24, 59, 169, 736
- Parisot, M., 274
- Park Chung Hee, 693–694
- Pastore, John, 632
- Pathet Lao, 145, 483
- Paul VI, Pope, 59, 633, 700, 731, 733–734, 740, 744–747, 749, 754, 756
- Pauling, Linus, 626
- Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV (see also
Air strikes against DRV; Political settlement in
Vietnam; U.S. - RVN operations against DRV):
- advantages of, 601–602, 612–613
- announcement of, 611–612
- Australian position, 301
- British position, 301
- conditions for, 512, 542, 613–614
- disadvantages of, 571–572
- DRV position, 335, 477–478, 482, 525–526, 738
- ending of, 483–484, 674, 714–716
- Goldberg proposals, 300–305
- Hungarian position, 660, 667, 678–679
- Indian position, 301, 313
- Japanese position, 301
- June pause, 21–22, 75
- length and timing of, 594–595, 600, 611, 709–710, 716, 727
- notification of RVN officials, 653–654
- notification of Soviets, 650, 655–656
- planning for, 608–611, 655
- Polish position, 636–637, 667, 752–753
- prerequisite to increased bombing, 528, 544, 594–595, 599
- private messages regarding, 321
- pros and cons of, 582–586, 598–600
- Romanian position, 636–637
- RVN, effect on, 636
- RVN position, 586, 610
- RVN - U.S. coordination for, 478–479
- safeguards for U.S. interests during, 672–677
- second pause, scenario for, 475–484, 708
- Soviet position, 436, 525, 636–637, 660
- Soviet pressure on DRV during, 661–669
- Thai position, 747–748
- types of, 520–524, 544
- U.N. campaign for, 438–439
- U.N. resolutions regarding, 483
- U.S. position, 320–321, 549–550, 555, 728–729
- U.S. public posture for, 651–652, 657
- Yugoslav position, 301–302, 313, 660
- Peace initiatives. See Political settlement in Vietnam.
- Pearson, Drew, 130
- Pearson, Lester, 730, 734, 749, 751
- Penkovsky, Oleg, 629
- People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN). See under Vietnam, Democratic Republic of.
- Peter, Janos, 431–436, 438, 474, 625–626, 655, 688–691, 714, 720, 722–726, 742
- Petrovsky (USSR), 52
- Pham Ngoc Thao, 169
- Pham Van Dong, 74, 367, 370, 577–578
- Pham Van Lieu, Lt. Col., 6, 24
- Pham Xuan Chieu, 71, 153
- Phan Huy Quat (see also Quat government), 6, 8, 13, 58, 123, 177, 234, 352
- Phan Khac Suu, 6, 23, 25
- Phan Quang Dong, 374
- Philbin, Philip, 631
- Philippines, 365, 671
- Plimpton, Francis T.P., 277, 317
- Poland, 498, 745
- Political settlement in Vietnam (see
Geneva Conference on Peace in Southeast Asia,
proposed; Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV):
- cease - fire proposals, 12–13, 35, 511–512
- China, People’s Republic of - DRV differences over, 418, 434
- DRV position, 559–561, 576–579, 671–672
- Harriman talks with European leaders, 729–730, 732
- Hungarian - U.S. talks, 431, 688–691, 714, 722–726, 730–733, 750
- international conference, proposed, 9–11, 149–151, 316
- international supervision in, 541
- negotiations for, 719–720
- DRV four - point proposal, 124, 180, 275–276, 315–316, 329–332, 416, 427, 454, 475, 502, 589, 705, 707–708, 752
- French - U.S. talks, 757–760
- Mai Van Bo meeting with Arkas-Duntov, 274–277
- Mai Van Bo meetings with Quaker committee, 588–591, 704
- Papal peace appeal, 744–745
- participation of Communists in the south, 513
- risks from, 392–393
- “Rupert - X” meetings (see also U.S. - DRV contacts below), 312–316, 328–332, 334–337, 367–371
- RVN unreadiness for, 470–471, 743
- Soviet - U.S. talks, 74–75
- Stevenson Look interview on, 572–575, 609
- suggestions for, 699–702
- unlikelihood of, 648–650
- U.S. - DRV contacts (see also Mai Van Bo subheadings above; “Rupert - X” meetings above), 108–109, 119, 384, 572n, 573–574, 581, 588–589, 591, 595, 698, 720–723, 729–730, 736–737, 750
- U.S. contacts with representatives of Communist insurgency, 119–122, 128, 133, 205, 302, 305–307, 329, 529–532, 534, 561, 603–604, 606, 622–623, 633, 648, 742, 745–746, 755–756
- U.S. deemphasis of, 415
- Polish role in, 720, 726, 732–733, 737–738, 751–753, 756–757
- postponement of peace initiatives, 174n
- RVN position, 460–461, 469, 561, 730
- Soviet position, 431, 583
- Soviet role in, 146, 180
- U.S. concerns re, 363–365, 471–472, 734–735, 740–742
- U.S. fourteen points for, 706–707, 719, 737, 753
- U.S. initiatives to Soviets, 100
- U.S. initiatives to the United Nations, 100–101
- U.S. position, 73–75, 707–709
- Political situation in RVN
(see also
Economic situation in RVN; Ky government; Quat
government), 415
- broad - based political party, establishment of, 692–695
- CIA efforts to eliminate friction, 381
- Communist participation in government, 540
- elections, 9, 148, 711–712, 735
- expanded U.S. presence, effect of, 101–104
- government opposition groups, 24–25
- lack of effective government, 20
- military role in, 695
- Montagnard grievances, 59, 400–401
- negotiations, unreadiness for, 470–471
- provincial government, 58–59, 458, 553
- student demonstrations, Sept., 372, 374–375, 401
- taxation, 141, 424
- Thi coup threat, 372–375
- village leadership, 458–459
- youth and students, 59
- Popper, David H., 353n, 579n
- Porter, William J., 389, 422, 563, 717, 739
- Pote Sarasin, 748
- Potter, Phil, 343
- Praphat748
- President’s Panel on Foreign Affairs, 137n
- Prime Ministers’ mission:
- Prisoners of war (see also Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War, 1949):
- Psychological warfare, 134n
- Pye, Lucien, 306
- Pyle, Ernie, 220, 296
- Quaison-Sackey, Alex, 309–312, 320
- Quakers. See American Friends Service Committee.
- Quarles. See Ufford, Leopold Quarles van.
- Quat. SeePhan Huy Quat.
- Quat government, 6–8, 13–14, 24, 34
- Raborn, Adm. William F., Jr., 37, 39n, 86n, 188n, 224n, 260n
- Racial issues, 271, 508, 644
- Radvanyi, Janos, 431, 688–691, 714, 722–727, 731–732
- Ramani, Radhakrishna, 317–318
- Rand Corporation:
- Rapacki, Adam, 737–738, 739n, 740, 755–757
- Read, Benjamin H., 692n, 699n
- Red Cross, International Committee of the (ICRC), 324, 438n, 465, 492–498, 568–569, 702
- Red Cross conference, Geneva, Oct. 1965, 419
- Reddy, Leo, 736
- Reed, John H., 679
- Refugees, 60, 381–382
- Reischauer, Edwin O., 195
- Religious groups in Vietnam, 509
- Republican “White Paper”, 343–344
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF):
- air strikes, effect on morale of, 282
- Binh Dinh, withdrawals from, 2–3
- bombing pauses, 676
- Convention of the Armed forces, 391–392, 423
- force levels, 82
- landlords as officers of, 352
- moratorium on new battalion formation, 1
- pacification efforts by, 387–388, 389n, 486n
- rear - guard role for, 271
- unity of, 461–462
- U.S. assessment of, 178, 190
- U.S. military role increase, 88, 126
- veterans benefits programs, 383, 458
- Resor, Stanley R., 210, 215–216
- Reston, James, 328, 384, 467, 629, 720
- Reuther, Walter, 597
- Revolution for a New Life, 170
- Rhodesia, 667, 687
- Rice, Edward E., 556–559
- Rice:
- Rifa’i, Abdul Monem, 317–318
- Rio Treaty, 1947, 56
- Rivers, Mendel, 631
- Rodhain, Mons., 745
- Rogers, Warren, 458n
- ROK. See Korea, Republic of.
- Rolling Thunder, Operation. See Air strikes against DRV.
- Rolz - Bennett, Jose, 277
- Romania, 219–220, 273, 466, 498, 636–637
- Roroback, Sgt. Kenneth M., 423n
- Rostow, Walt W., 378–380, 692–698
- Rowan, Carl, 188n, 189, 201, 253, 256, 260n
- Rowen, Henry S., 223–224
- Rupert. SeeMai Van Bo.
- Rusk, Dean, 39n, 62n, 92n, 147n, 188n,
298, 486n, 510n, 514n, 535n, 579n, 581n, 619n, 692n, 721n, 754n
- air strikes against DRV, 37–38, 367–368, 370, 383–384, 555, 646–647, 696
- cease - fire, 649
- Communist insurgency, 46, 529, 532, 755
- domino theory, 40–41
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 206, 249, 251, 26–262, 551, 604–605
- Korean war, 221
- McNamara - Lodge mission, 127n, 166–167
- odds of U.S. victory, 662
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 491, 532–533, 550, 555, 587, 599, 601, 635–636, 650, 655, 750
- personal impressions of, 207
- political settlement in Vietnam, 180, 559–561, 707, 720–721
- President’s State of the Union speech, 659–660
- prisoners of war, 452, 492
- Stevenson Look interview on, 572–575
- tear gas, use of, 413
- third - country troops, request for, 686–687
- U.N. diplomatic moves on Vietnam, 130–132, 271, 338, 667
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, 45, 232, 238, 245, 247, 271
- unification of Vietnam, 276
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 116–118, 561
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- Vietnam Panel recommendations, 137–138
- visit to Europe, Dec. 1965, 639, 644
- Rusk, Howard, 382, 420n, 437
- Russell, Richard, 10, 163, 270, 621
- Salan Plan, 19
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 633
- Saragat, Giuseppi, 747
- Sato, Eisaku, 196, 230
- Saudi Arabia, 671
- Schneider, Lewis, 588–591
- Schwartz, Abba, 322, 438n, 492–498
- Scott-Murga, Guillermo, 317
- Seaborn, J. Blair, 573
- Second Special Inter - American Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 1965, 532n, 533
- Senate, U.S. (see also Congress, U.S.):
- Severeid, Eric, 572–574, 582, 609, 658
- Seydoux, Roger, 760
- Sharp, Adm. Ulysses S. Grant, 36n, 41n, 69n, 171
- Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 289, 320, 533, 749, 754
- Shelepin, A.N., 731, 743, 750, 753–754
- Shriver, Sargent, 605
- Sieverts, Frank A., 322, 492n
- Sihanouk, Prince. SeeNorodom Sihanouk.
- Sikes, Robert, 631
- Sisco, Joseph J., 233, 239, 338n, 353n, 468, 581, 601n
- Smathers, George A., 264–265
- Smirnovsky, M.N., 52, 147
- Smith, Bromley, 260n, 273, 307n, 317–318, 417, 614–615
- Soglo, Gen. Christophe, 694
- South Asia, 386
- Southeast Asia:
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty and Protocol, Sept. 1954, 55, 535, 705
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 55–56, 209
- Southern Rhodesia, 667, 687
- Souvanna Phouma, 526–527
- Soviet Union:
- air strikes against DRV, 19, 114, 283–284, 411, 490
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 39, 140, 261, 409–411, 428, 456, 697, 743
- DRV participation in negotiations, 22
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 230, 265, 649
- Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War, 1949, 466
- ICC role in Cambodia, 709
- Korean war, 29
- military budget reductions, 230
- missile sites as U.S. bombing targets in DRV, 240n, 241–245, 254–256
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 302, 479, 481, 585, 609. 611, 624–628, 674, 678, 690, 715, 718, 726–727
- political settlement in Vietnam, 74–75, 100, 431, 583, 700–701, 739, 746
- Red Cross in, 496
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 233
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on Vietnam, 246
- United States, relations with, 52–54, 134, 222, 435, 671, 691, 759
- U.S. secret contacts with, 272
- Vietnam war, entry into, 178, 182, 215, 548, 552
- Sparkman, John, 270, 630
- Special Committee of NATO Defense Ministers, 580n
- Special Intelligence Supplement SIS 1221-65, 680–685
- Special Memorandum No. 18-65, 146
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Splitt, Orville, 322
- Springsteen, George S., 328n
- Squire, Christopher A., 688
- Stalin, Joseph, 151–152
- Stennis, John, 162
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 45n, 130–132, 658
- Stewart, Michael, 299
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 52
- Strategic Air Command (SAC), 262
- Sturm, Paul, 316n, 328n, 371n, 504, 722n
- Sudistes (southern regionalists), 7–8, 24–26, 121–122, 447, 506
- Sukarno, 301
- Sukhodrev, V.M., 147
- Sullivan, William, 92, 188
- Suu. SeePhan Khac Suu.
- Sweden, 495
- Switzerland, 495
- Sylvester, Arthur, 153, 322–323
- Symington, Stuart, 631
- Szluka, Endre, 688
- Talbot, Phillips H., 338n
- Tam Chau, 446
- Tanzania, 693
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 24n, 52n, 303,
442n, 486n
- air strikes against DRV, 240n, 421, 444
- cease - fire requirements, 376–377
- Communist insurgency, 14–15, 77–78
- coup against Quat government, 13–14
- death threats against, 49
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 234–235
- government information program, 324
- Ky government, 34, 77–79
- Lodge appointment as ambassador, 126–127
- McNamara - Lodge mission, July, 171, 190, 197
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 659, 679, 709–710, 715–716, 728–729
- peace initiatives, 174n
- replacement as ambassador, 92
- RVN military effectiveness, increase in, 93–94
- U.S. - DRV contacts, 128
- U.S. force increases, 71–72, 76
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- Taylor, Jacquelyn, 33n
- Teach - ins, 282, 297
- Tear gas, 402, 413, 419–420
- Tet, 674, 676, 678, 692, 700, 708
- Thailand (see also Thailand and Thai subheadings under
other subjects):
- Cambodia, relations with, 455, 630
- Communist control of, 759
- Laos, military involvement in, 526–527
- military involvement in Vietnam, 215, 617, 686
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 655, 660
- political settlement in Vietnam, 110–111, 739
- U.S. military buildup in, 361, 363, 377
- U.S. policy in, 358
- U.S. - Thai military coordination, 184
- withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam, 65, 194, 211, 213–214, 748
- Thang, Gen., 76–77, 153, 157–160, 462
- Thant, U, 46n
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 301, 321, 479–480, 601, 620, 655
- political settlement in Vietnam, 731
- U.N. Security Council actions on Vietnam, 130n, 131–132, 245–247, 317–318
- British position, 299
- U.S. - DRV contacts, 572n, 573–574, 721, 723
- Vietnam memorandum, Aug. 12, 327, 339–340, 353–356, 365
- visits to Hanoi, 667, 706
- Thi. SeeNguyen Chanh Thi.
- Thien Mien, 24, 26
- Thieu. SeeNguyen Van Thieu, Gen.
- Tho, Gen., 474
- Thompson, Herbert, 589n
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 37–39, 116, 260n, 418, 486n, 598n
- Thomson, James C., 73–75
- Tito, Marshal Josef Broz, 10, 261, 289, 309, 320, 687, 720, 731–732, 740, 754, 756n
- Toon, Malcolm, 52
- Tran Quang Thuan, 6
- Tran Quoc Buu, 447
- Tran Van Dang, 48
- Tran Van Do, 6, 96, 153, 635n
- Tri Quang:
- Truman, Harry S, 29, 221, 596
- Truong Tai Ton, 153–157
- Tubby, Roger W., 704
- Tunisia, 693
- Turkey, 214, 686
- Ufford, Leopold Quarles van, 317–318
- Unger, Leonard, 62n, 121n, 123n, 188n, 247n, 249n, 442n, 492n
- Ung. See Nguyen Tat Ung.
- Unification of Vietnam:
- Unified Buddhist Association (UBA), 24, 26, 446
- United Kingdom (see also British subheadings under other
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 455, 559
- DRV, trade with, 213
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 230
- ICC role in Cambodia, 709
- Malaysian - Indonesian confrontation, 194, 209
- military involvement in Vietnam, 208–209, 644–645
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 479, 655, 660
- political settlement in Vietnam, 101, 629, 733, 739
- Red Cross role in Vietnam, 495–496
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 233, 326n
- U.S. interests in DRV, representative for, 466
- U.S. policy on Vietnam, 11–13, 22, 140
- United Nations (see also United Nations and U.N. subheadings under other subjects; United Nations Charter; United Nations General Assembly; United Nations Security Council):
- United Nations Charter, 28
- United Nations General Assembly, 416, 468–469, 573, 625, 671, 760
- United Nations Security Council:
- Uruguay, 233
- U.S. information program, 294–298, 322–325, 596
- U.S. Liaison Committee to the Vietnamese Agency for Pacification, 424–426
- Usachev (USSR), 474
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam (see
Expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam; Military Assistance Command, U.S. (MACV)):
- Afro - Asian bloc position, 139–140
- assumption of dominant fighting role, 498–499
- billion - dollar appropriation proposal for, 165
- burning of villages, 322–325
- casualty levels, 178–179, 191, 196, 212–213, 487, 528, 552, 594, 619
- China, People’s Republic of, response to, possible, 102
- command issues in joint RVN - U.S. operations, 72
- crop destruction missions, 141–143
- deployment of Marines to Danang, 234
- enclaves, holding of, 221–222
- expansion of U.S. armed forces for, 175, 177, 178, 198
- force levels in RVN, 138, 457,
- Eisenhower recommendations for, 325
- RVN position, 71–72 tactical air forces increase, 186
- U.S. Embassy, Saigon, recommendations, 134–136
- U.S. mobilization for increase of, 77
- 44-battalion plan, 160, 186, 197
- 63-battalion plan, 166–168
- 70, 000 troops, 82
- 75, 000 troops, 174
- 85,000 troops, 113–115
- 100,000 troops, 12, 17, 271
- 175,000 troops, 70, 174, 192, 198, 250
- 200,000 troops, 90–91, 160, 384–385
- 210, 000 troops, 411–412, 419, 516
- 275,000 troops, 204, 211
- 285, 000 troops, 366
- 325,000 troops, 486
- 400,000 troops, 593, 617, 663
- 500,000 troops, 214
- Goodpaster study, 181–187
- history of, 233–236
- increased U.S. combat role, 36, 98–100, 129
- legal basis for sending forces to Vietnam, 33, 54–56
- long - term conflict, 194, 196
- morale of U.S. forces, 198
- national state of emergency, declaration of, 137, 223
- options for, possible, 19–21
- planning for, 40–41, 175–176, 356–363, 514–516
- prisoners of war, 494
- racial issues, 271, 508, 644
- Republican Party position, 22, 85, 222
- Reserve and National Guard troops, call - up of, 137, 167, 168, 175, 218, 223–224, 263n, 596
- RVN position, 177–178
- self - assessment of U.S. role in, 208
- settlement v. outcome, 363–365, 471–472, 518–520
- tear gas, use of, 402, 413
- third - country troops, requests for, 204, 208, 686–687
- Thompson’s paper on strategy, 442–445
- troop deployment, 2–5, 711
- 21 - point program of small actions, 234
- U.S. combat role restrictions, 108
- U.S. military defeat, likelyhood of, 106–108
- U.S. numerical superiority, requirements for, 262
- uses for additional troops, 394–395
- Vietnamese public opinion on, 125
- Western European position, 195
- withdrawal of forces, 56–57, 62–66, 541, 543
- zonal bombing against Communist targets, 35, 135
- U.S. policy in Vietnam (see also
Expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam; U.S. public opinion on Vietnam), 218–219
- assurance of victory, assessment of, 181–187
- British position, 644–645
- CIA position, 86–91
- comparison of alternatives, 486–491
- Congressional reaction to, 630–637
- decision - making procedures, 491–492
- discussion of draft proposals, 115–119
- Johnson (U. Alexis) courses of action memoranum, 535–554
- Lodge vs. Goldberg split, 467–473, 533, 562
- 1967 U.S. budget for, 618, 632, 741
- planning of, 92 r, 356–363, 377–378, 396–398, 561–562
- Republican “White Paper” on, 343–344
- security leaks, 398–399
- State vs. Defense Department proposals, 554–556, 571–572, 586–587, 597–598
- Thompson’s paper on strategy, 442–445
- victory and defeat, 105, 140, 172, 181–187, 216–217
- U.S. public opinion on Vietnam, 102, 152, 190, 338, 718, 735
- U.S. - RVN operations against
DRV (see also
Air strikes against DRV; Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV):
- barrier along 17th parallel, creation of, 39–40, 136
- cease - fires:
- economic losses from, 500–501
- escalation, consequences of, 19, 187
- escalation of action in, 36, 182–187
- invasion of DRV, 176, 190, 198:
- Metropole bombing, retaliation for, 615
- mining of harbors, 88, 91, 99
- propaganda leafletting, 46, 48
- Romanian position, 453–456
- shooting down of U.S. aircraft, 240–241
- Thai position, 282
- U.S. ground action, 712
- U.S. reconnaissance flights, 376–377, 672–673
- Valenti, Jack, 92, 167, 188n, 260n, 262n, 263n, 338n
- Vance, Cyrus R., 37, 39n, 188n, 529n, 535n, 597n, 598n, 717n
- Vandenberg, Arthur S. , 294
- Vatican City, 742
- Vaughn, Jack H., 39n, 338n
- Velasquez, Carlos Maria, 317–318
- Versace, Capt. Humbert R., 423n
- Viet Cong. See Communist insurgency.
- Viet Minh, 3, 18, 67, 80, 82
- Vietnam. See Neutralization of Vietnam;
- Unification of Vietnam.
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (DRV) (see also
Air strikes against DRV; Communist insurgency; Pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV; Political settlement in
Vietnam; U.S. -RVN operations against DRV; DRV
subheadings under other subjects):
- airdrop of U.S. pamphlets, 273
- anti - U.S. propaganda, 18
- arrot - and - stick approach to, 217
- China, People’s Republic of, military aid to, 227–228
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 114
- Chinese volunteers in, 102, 211, 348, 681
- Communist insurgency, relations with, 148–149, 599, 718, 736
- economic situation, 500–502
- execution of Americans by, 474
- foreign trade with, limiting of, 268
- four - point proposal, 124, 180, 275–276, 314–315, 329–332, 427, 454
- infiltration of, effect of air strikes on, 144–145
- intelligence collection in, 193, 202, 216
- Japan, trade with, 213
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic, military aid to, 227
- land reform, 67
- military capabilities of, 503–504
- military involvement in RVN, 3, 250, 340, 368, 675
- Nkrumah trip to Hanoi, 301, 309–311, 320
- People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) force levels, 82
- prisoners of war, 438n, 452, 464–467, 493, 496–497, 568, 702
- Quaker aid offer to, 704
- Red Cross donations to, 495
- RVN, relations with, 136, 392
- Southeast Asian economic development programs, 702, 706
- southern self - determination, call for, 275–276
- Soviet military aid to, 102, 146, 227–228, 345, 681
- Soviet volunteers in, 211
- strategy in RVN, CIA estimate of, 103–104
- United Kingdom, trade with, 213
- U.N. membership for, 277–278, 279
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 326n, 327, 471
- Thant memorandum, 356n
- U.S. - Chinese air battles over, 228, 229n
- U.S. contacts with, 108–109, 119, 123–124, 128, 133, 274–275, 302, 588–591, 595, 698, 704, 721–722, 729–730, 736–737, 750
- U.S. peace proposals, 74, 697–698
- withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam, 65
- Vietnam, Republic of (see also
Communist insurgency; Counterinsurgency operations; Economic
situation in RVN; Expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam; Ky
government; Political situation in RVN; Quat government; Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF); U.S. military
involvement in Vietnam; U.S. - RVN operations against DRV; RVN subheadings under other subjects):
- U.S. economic aid, 141
- U.S. military aid (see also Military Assistance Command, Vietnam):
- Cambodia, relations with, 455, 630
- civilian casualties in, 216, 381
- civilian security needs, 2, 526
- Communist prisoners of war:
- Constitutional Charter of June, 375
- diplomatic representation abroad, lack of, 96, 164, 295, 353, 383
- DRV, relations with, 136, 173
- DRV military involvement in, 3, 250, 340, 368, 675
- France, relations with, 14n, 38–39, 77
- French and U.S. roles, similarity of, 79–85
- government contacts with Communist insurgency, 136
- government information programs, 61, 295–296, 382–383
- intelligence collection in, 338
- internal security in, 57–58
- international assistance to, 701–702
- international military observers in, 701
- labor movement, 60, 447, 463, 576
- land reform, 60, 382, 388, 576
- local government, 576
- local support for Communists, 106–107
- media in, 72, 95–96, 295, 323–325, 392, 509
- medical care in, 510
- military deserters, 149, 173, 190
- military draft, 173
- morale, civilian, 96–97, 282, 424, 538, 548
- neutralist government, prospect for, 179n, 541
- non - military programs:
- pacification program, 164
- police, activities of, 394–395
- Red Cross donations to, 495
- Red Cross (RVN), 497
- refugee programs, 60, 391, 439–442, 485
- rural reconstruction, 576
- self - determination for, 355
- shipping, 463
- taxation:
- transportation, 78
- U.N. membership for, 277–279
- U.N. role in Vietnam, 326n
- U.N. Security Council initiatives on, effect of, 246
- U.S. commitment to, nature of, 704–707
- U.S. goals for 1966 in, 710–713
- U.S. popularity in, 508
- U.S. contacts with representatives of Communist insurgency, reaction to, 120–122
- U.S. veto power over RVN actions, 176, 193
- weekly Saigon Embassy reports to the President, 13–15, 34–35, 77–79, 129–130, 169–170, 332–333, 393–393, 399–401, 421–424, 448–451, 458–460, 508–510, 569–571, 641–643
- Vietnam Panel meeting, July 1965, 137–141
- Vietnam Task force, 204
- Vietnamese Workers Confederation (CTV), 60
- Vo Nguyen Giap, 267, 290
- Vo Van Sung, 722n
- Vu Huu Binh, 721, 730, 733, 736–737, 739, 745
- Walker, Patrick Gordon, 706
- Walters, Gen., 687
- Warnke, Paul C., 707n
- Watson, Marvin, 167, 417
- Webb, James, 647
- Westmoreland, Gen. William C.,
621, 647, 728n
- air strikes against DRV, 212, 387
- Christmas truce, 640, 691–692
- Communist insurgency:
- conflict escalation, 36, 41–43, 69
- counterinsurgency operations, U.S. troop commitment for, 12, 78
- DRV force levels, 616
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 235, 264–269, 580, 591, 607
- McNamara - Lodge mission, July, 134, 153, 160, 171, 190, 197
- military planning, 14, 396–397
- pauses in bombing of DRV, 710, 731
- U.S. combat role restrictions, 108
- U.S. force requirements for Vietnam, 1–5, 98, 262, 291–292, 385, 618
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle
G., 39n,
97n, 188n, 646, 728n
- air strikes against DRV, 389, 398, 593
- Christmas truce, 691–692
- Communist terrorist attacks, 50
- expansion of U.S. commitment in Vietnam, 36, 41, 69–70, 235, 265, 591, 593, 596, 604–605
- McNamara - Lodge mission, July, 153, 171, 197
- pauses in U.S. bombing of DRV, 304, 594n, 604–605, 608, 658, 664, 672–677, 679, 731
- personal impressions of, 208
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 260, 262, 398
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 116
- Goodpaster study, 182
- Vietnam, Republic of, 399
- White, Gilbert F., 589–590
- Whiting, Alan, 274, 598n, 601n
- Wierna (Poland), 737–738
- Williams, G. Mennen, 338n
- Wilson, Harold, 9, 11–12, 455, 580, 733n, 734
- Winiewicz, Josef, 737–738
- Wood, Duncan, 589n, 704
- Wright, Oliver, 12
- X. See Gullion, Edmund S.
- Y. SeeSturm, Paul.
- Yarmolinsky, Adam, 188
- Yost, Charles W., 277, 299, 317, 572n, 581n, 757
- Yugoslavia, 271, 273, 480, 671, 687, 720
- Zinchuk, Alexander, 671
- Zorthian, Barry, 72, 153, 197, 308–309, 322, 324–325
- Zuckert, Eugene M., 210, 213