200. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam 1

1315. Exdis for Ambassador from Secretary. I am deeply concerned about limited degree of GVN compliance with Geneva Conventions on treatment of prisoners. As you know, US is responsible under GC for treatment of prisoners transferred from US to GVN custody. Matter is urgent for sake of GVN and US image abroad and as it affects plight of US prisoners held by DRV and VC.

We have an obligation to our soldiers and citizens to take every action not detrimental to security that increases likelihood American prisoners will receive satisfactory treatment. Leverage we can bring to bear on DRV and VC through ICRC and other international efforts depends to considerable extent on degree to which US and GVN standards of prisoner treatment meet requirements of Geneva Conventions. I believe that substantial compliance by GVN and USG with Convention and publicity given such compliance constitute one of best available protections against further mistreatment American prisoners.

Accordingly request you raise matter personally on urgent basis with Prime Minister and other GVN officials where it will have most effect, impressing on them in strongest terms need for concrete, visible [Page 569] actions to implement GC. Most urgent requirement is for compliance with ICRC request for lists of prisoners and unaccompanied visits to POW’s. This is essential first step, should not cause serious difficulties, and would have high potential for reciprocal benefits for American prisoners and for favorable publicity.

Detailed discussion in septel.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27-7 VIET. Secret. Drafted by Schwartz; cleared by Unger, Meeker, Sieverts, and Robert H. Miller, Director of the Vietnam Working Group; and approved by Rusk.
  2. Telegram 1314 to Saigon, November 12. (Ibid.) In telegram 1725 from Saigon, November 15, Lodge responded that he was preparing an approach to Ky on this issue, but would discuss it with South Vietnamese Foreign Ministry officials to lay the groundwork in advance. (Ibid.)